New GC algo in Java 9 – 15 – 4Developers presentation

So I just finished speaking at 4Developers online. Must say, it felt like TV with all the jumps, backstage, on-stage, Q&A, preliminary chit-chat and most of all the phrase “and now, we’ll return to the studio”. I liked the feeling.

4Developers logo: a green rhombus with a 4 done by an absence of green and a green word Developers under
4Developers conference logo

Here is a presentation: and will try to publish a summary of the event later on.

Epsilon taken out in Java 15? Short answer? It wasn’t.

I got surprised there by a question: why was Epsilon taken out in Java 15 by Guillherme. Since I was updating the preso in a hurry when I learned of Java 15 being out (yeah, it’s September, it was obvious they’ll be out but last few days were just… hectic) I initially assumed that I missed something. After the preso I immediately went to Java 15 page and learned that I didn’t.

  1. There’s no depreciation notice.
  2. No JEP that made it in Java 15 is about taking Epsilon out.

I went further and did a short test: I’ve downloaded Java 15 from Oracle’s tar binaries from OpenJDK site and ran a program with EpsilonGC, CMS and Serial. CMS flag didn’t start: VM crashed cause the flag pointed to something that wasn’t a recognizable option. Epsilon started.

Experiment’s console log showcasing Epsilon being recognized by JDK 15

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