204. Wrocław JUG - We all are DevSecOps - Marcin Łapaj

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Meetup: https://www.meetup.com/pl-PL/wroclawjug/events/293570528/

Temat: We all are DevSecOps

Daily we do not think much of security of applications we build. Even if we do then most of our code is out of our hands. Have you ever thought how much code you are bringing in with your dependencies, docker images etc? Attackers don't give a f*ck about your excuses. How can we prevent and react on any security issues we might be venerable to?
In 2022 OWASP presented the new Top 10 List. Is it so different? Together we will walk through the new list of risks.

Język: PL

Prelegent: Marcin Łapaj

Programista, entuzjasta rzemieślniczego podejścia do programowania. Od 17 lat popełnia lepszy lub gorszy kod. Przebył drogę od developera do managera i z powrotem. Prywatnie pasjonat kolarstwa i podróży.