A Different Flavor of the Distributed Transactions • Martin Stefanko • Devoxx Poland 2022

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Transactions are 1 of the most complex and yet very crucial areas of computing. They can get peculiarly hard erstwhile the strategy moves to the distributed environments as almost all component in the distributed strategy is liable to failures. conventional locking protocols, utilized in transaction solutions today, are then very prone to holding locks on resources for unnecessarily long periods. The saga pattern provides an alternate non-blocking solution with the plan that allows individual parts of the transaction to be commited immediately and independently. This plan is specifically suitable for long moving transactions and distributed systems. In this session, we will present a recently created MicroProfile specification called Long moving Actions (LRA) which provides a definition of the transactional protocol and a simple API for the distributed transactions in the Java microservices environment based on the saga pattern. We will show you why the saga pattern is simply a very suitable transactional solution for many distributed microservices applications and show the usage of the LRA specification with the live coded demo.

Lecture took place on Thursday, 23rd June 2022 at 10:30 in area 4A

Senior software engineer at Red Hat, MicroProfile committer, working mainly on Red Hat middleware technologies like Quarkus, SmallRye, Wildfly, JBoss middleware (RESTEasy, Weld, ...), programming and microservices enthusiast.
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