Eilon Bendet, Nir Swartz: Przyszłość zagrożeń związanych ze złośliwym oprogramowaniem w chmurze | CONFidence

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"The Future of Cloud Malware Threats: Spotting Malicious Apps in Compromised Credible Tenants (MACT) and Advanced Tenant Impersonation"

Our proposed talk aims to shed light on 2 emerging threats in cloud security: Malicious OAuth Apps in Compromised Credible Tenants (MACT) and Advanced Tenant Impersonation, with a focus on exploiting Microsoft's "Verified Publisher" mechanism.

In fresh years, SaaS-based services have become integral to modern business operations, leading to an increase in sophisticated account takeover (ATO) threats targeting cloud environments.

Our fresh investigation delves into the tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs) utilized by threat actors to compromise credible cloud tenants and impersonate legitimate tenants utilizing cloud platforms. Through detailed forensic analysis, exclusive threat intel, leading investigation methodology, and various case studies, we will cover any of the chief methods employed by attackers to evade detection and perpetrate malicious activities within cloud environments.

Given the alarming deficiency of awareness by both the cybersecurity community and the general public regarding Cloud Malware threats and the dynamic cloud threat landscape, we strive to share effective insights to aid defend people and organizations against modern cyber threats.

More: https://confidence-conference.org/