GeeCON 2022: Arkadiusz Sokołowski - Valhalla: codes like Object, but behaves like int 1 rok temu

Java has been around for over 25 years. any say that it’s a small fusty. Meanwhile, it evolved significantly, and much more is coming in the close future! During the presentation we will dig into 1 of the biggest changes, that is coming with 1 of the future releases. 1 of the biggest Java criticisms is its memory management. There are light primitives and dense objects. As a developer, you can usage primitives, but you can’t make your own. There are generic types for objects, but not for primitives. task Valhalla is trying to address that problem. In what way? What does it mean for developers? What does it mean for frameworks like Spring, JUnit, and many others? What is changing under the hood? During the presentation, we'll research all these areas!