GeeCON 2022: Jakub Marchwicki - They say investigating triangle but you are doing microservices. Now what? 1 rok temu

Unit / Integration / GUI - an apparent association erstwhile anybody mentions a test triangle. all ISTQB student can drill down these elements erstwhile woken up in the mediate of the night. The thing is: is this decomposition inactive relevant? Does it even work erstwhile you run a highly distributed, microservice environment? Does this make any sense in a microservices world?.

During this session we will walk through different test goals, a different hypothesis we want to assert during testing, measure tools that can support us and see these tools in action: on a "real" java based microservices. So anticipate any critical reasoning and a walk-through a set of tools and methods on how to usage unit and integration tests effectively. But first and foremost, we will look beyond that and look erstwhile to initialise application container, how to approach validation of the service's contracts and yet is it worth to mimic a part of production environment with test containers