GeeCON 2022: Marcin Zajączkowski - What you can anticipate from Spock 2? 1 rok temu

Spring 2021 - long awaited - Spock 2.0 has been yet released. heavy rewritten to leverage JUnit Platform (a crucial part of JUnit 5) is ready for even better investigating in your projects.

However, what about the support for Groovy 3 and Java 14+? Is Spock compatible with a brand fresh Groovy 4 and Java 17+? Could the parametrized tests be even better? How problematic will it be to migrate existing tests from Spock 1.3 (especially those utilizing JUnit 4's rules)? What another fresh features and breaking changes are expected in 2.x?

During this talk, I will summarize over 2 years of development, explaining if/how it impacts the position quo (Spock 2 vs JUnit Jupiter 5) presented by me 3 years ago