GeeCON 2023: Gerrit Grunwald - Welcome to the Jungle - A safari through the JVM landscape 11 miesięcy temu

OpenJDK with it’s Java Virtual device is large but there is not only 1 flavour but many. There is Oracle OpenJDK, Eclipse Temurin, IBM Semeru, Amazon Corretto, Azul Zulu, Alibaba Dragonwell, Huawei Bi Sheng, Tencent Kona and many more. Did you always ask yourself which 1 is better, faster, free or something similar? Or do you want to know where the differences are in those distributions, well then this session might bring any answers to your questions. It will give you an thought about what the JVM is and will cover all the available distributions not only of OpenJDK but besides of GraalVM and will effort to explain the differences and features of the available distributions. It will besides effort to give you an thought what JVM to usage for circumstantial usage cases.