GeeCON 2023: Guy Royse - Tracking Aircraft with Software-Defined Radio 6 miesięcy temu

Aircraft are everywhere. Knowing precisely where is paramount as it’s considered bad form for 2 aircraft to be in the same place at the same time. To avoid this, aircraft worldwide constantly and publically broadcast their location, heading, and all sorts of another data utilizing a strategy called ADS-B or Automatic Dependent Surveillance Broadcast. This data is easy to capture utilizing using a combination of a inexpensive radio dongle and free software—a combination called software-defined radio. erstwhile captured, we can do beautiful much anything we want. I've decided to capture it in an event stream, shove it down a websocket, and put it on a map. In this lighting talk, I'll show how software-defined radio works by utilizing it to capture live radio transmissions, from both local radio stations and my handheld amateur radio. And, we'll capture live ADS-B transmissions from aircraft transponders in the area to track close aircraft in real time!