GeeCON 2023 Prague: Guy Royse - So You Think You Know Redis! 3 miesięcy temu

Redis. You love it. You request it. But how well do you truly know it? Find out on the breathtaking fresh gameshow So You Think You Know Redis! where our host will challenge you to answer a series of questions about Redis. The first individual to answer each question correctly wins a crappy American candy bar! On So You Think You Know Redis! you’ll learn things about Redis you might not know. Crazy things like how to set up circular lists, extract 13-bit integers, or add numbers with sorted sets. Tricky things like cache invalidation, cache eviction, and single-byte caches. Advanced things like persisting your data with Redis and extending Redis with modules. erstwhile we’re all done, you’ll walk distant with a deeper cognition of Redis and possibly that chocolate you desperately need. What’s not to love? Wanna find out? Join me as I explain what Redis is—a wicked-fast, memory-first database—and why you should care. I’ll share with you what it can store, how you can access it, and how you can make certain that what’s in memory is inactive there erstwhile the power goes off. We’ll research how you can extend Redis—adding fresh commands, fresh data structures, and fresh capabilities. And, we’ll do it both from the command line and from code with examples in C#, Java, JavaScript, and Python. erstwhile we’re done, you’ll know what Redis is and what all the fuss was about. But, more importantly, you’ll know how to put memory first to build fast applications and faster experiences