GeeCON Prague 2019: Alex Soto - Service Mesh patterns 4 lat temu

As we start to go toward cloud-native infrastructure and build our applications out of microservices, we must full face the drawbacks and challenges to doing so. any of these challenges include how to consistently monitor and collect statistics, tracing, and another telemetry, how to add resiliency in the face of unexpected failure, how to do powerful feature routing (ie feature graduation, tap compare ) and much more like securing your services correctly. Service mesh, in general, helps developers solve this in a non-invasive way. In this session, we'll show how you can take advantage of these capabilities and show you any patterns that you can implement easy with a service mesh to make your transportation to production smoothly and without surprises. We anticipate most developers haven't adequately solved for these issues, so we'll take it to step by step and build up a strong knowing of Istio and its patterns, harness its power in your production services architecture.