GeeCON Prague 2022: Andrzej Dębski - How to avoid common mistakes and misconceptions erstwhile working... 1 rok temu

AWS Lambda is simply a serverless, event-driven compute service that lets you run code for virtually any kind of application or backend service without provisioning or managing servers. AWS Lambda is chosen for its flexibility, the ease of integration with another AWS Services, and reducing the amount of infrastructure you and your squad own. But over time, erstwhile the number of clients and requests start to increase, and you start caring about latency, you may discover that there is no free lunch. Clients complain about latency, things you've taken for granted erstwhile moving your software on EC2 or Fargate no longer apply, and costs start to ramp up. In this talk, I'm going to describe any of the lessons learned from working on multiple services backed by AWS Lambda: what are and how to reduce the cold starts, how the JVM makes them even more problematic, erstwhile AWS Lambda is more costly than the little abstract platform, how to usage provisioned concurrency and why 1 of the biggest problems in Computer discipline (caching) is even bigger on Lambdas