GeeCON Prague 2022: Markus Kett, David Král - Distributed Object Graphs with MicroStream 11 miesięcy temu

Hibernate and relational databases have been the standard persistence for conventional monolithic applications for decades. However, utilizing conventional persistence concepts for cloud-native microservices is mostly oversized, complex, and expensive. With MicroStream there is simply a cloud-native alternative. It is simply a micro persistent layer built for microservices that delivers lots of benefits. It allows persisting any Java object graph of any size and complexity in plain files, cloud blob stores, or any cloud DB. It enables ultra-fast in-memory data processing with microsecond query and consequence time, and now clustering and elastic auto-scaling containerized microservices. Implementing is even way faster and simpler than any database, to reduce complexity, effort, time-to-market, and cloud costs. MicroStream is open origin and integrated with Micronaut and Helidon.