GeeCON Prague 2023: Jorge Franco - Microservices or not? A dependency management decision 2 miesięcy temu

In my company Magnolia, in the Labs team, we have been exploring different ways to decision our platform to the cloud. There are architecture decisions to look for, but the usage cases and the domain is the same. We think starting with microservices is not a good approach due to the fact that we are introducing complexity and a dependency that will make us make much slower. With any of the best features of Java, specified as interfaces and implementations, modules, testing, dependency management and Jakarta standards, we have created an application that can be deployed as a monolithic or as different microservices. We can deploy our application in different ways and test it at different levels. We will research an example with different modules and connections between them. I will show the different ways you can test your modules. The code is in Java and uses Quarkus to deploy, but any JVM environment can be used. Finally, we will see all the benefits of utilizing this modular approach to develop, test and deploy your applications.