GeeCON Prague 2023: Nikhil Barthwal - Patterns & Practices of Implementing Event-driven MicroSvc... 9 miesięcy temu

Event-Driven Microservices architecture has gained quite a few attention recently. The trend in the manufacture is for Microservices to innovate faster. While Microservices have their benefits, implementing them is hard. 1 drawback is the problem of distributed data management, as each Microservice has its own database. Event-Driven Architecture enables a way to make microservices work together and the talks show how to usage architectural patterns like Event Sourcing & CQRS. Another challenge is to manage transactions that update entities owned by multiple services in an yet consistent fashion. This challenge is solved utilizing sagas! The nonsubjective of the talk is to show how to implement highly distributed Event Driven Microservices architecture that are scalable and easy to maintain