Immutability Against The device • Michał Płachta • Devoxx Poland 2022 11 miesięcy temu

Immutability has taken over the software world. Programmers are utilizing immutable values to make their products more maintainable. They are able to focus on higher-level architectural problems alternatively of hard-to-debug accidental mutations.
However, the software we compose frequently needs to run on a real machine. It needs state, it needs to do many things at erstwhile utilizing multiple threads, and it needs to get any resources like sockets or files. Moreover, it needs to clean after itself in any condition, even erstwhile things go awry, making certain it never leaks memory or resources. We may be tempted to say that solving these concerns requires any old-school mutations. But it doesn’t!
In this talk we will show a real-world application that uses state, multiple threads, and resources. We will usage real data from an external Wikidata service, make certain we conform to the API limits, implement a cache, and make certain we release all unneeded connections along the way. Most importantly, all this is going to be modeled as immutable values!

Lecture took place on Friday, 24th June 2022 at 09:00 in area 3

Polyglot software engineer focused on delivering useful and maintainable applications. Author of “Grokking Functional Programming”.
#IT #Development #SoftwareDevelopment