Java 17 & 18. What's fresh and noteworthy • Piotr Przybył • Devoxx Poland 2022 6 miesięcy temu

Another (half a) year has passed, another major Java™ version is ready to deploy on production.
Java was expected "to be slow". However, Java turns out to evolve so fast, that next releases aren't just version bumps, but might importantly change the rules of the game. That's a good reason to check out what's fresh in Java.
• Strong Encapsulation, A.K.A. `--illegal-access=deny`,
• Sealed Classes,
• Pattern Matching for switch,
• Simple Web Server,
• what's gone and what will be gone,
• and another stuff.

Lecture took place on Thursday, 23rd June 2022 at 16:00 in area 4B

Piotr Przybył:
Notorious engineer at work and after hours, tracing meanders of the art of software engineering. distant Software Gardener, mostly working in web-oriented Java gardens. Programming usually in Java (since 1.3) and Scala, but in another languages too. Fan of agility, seen mostly as choosing the right tools and approaches after asking the right questions. Developer, trainer and conference speaker. In his talks, Piotr covers not only hardcore Java but besides software architecture, computer security, and soft-skills.


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