Join the Log4Shell organization • Philipp Krenn • Devoxx Poland 2022 1 rok temu

Looking behind the immediate pain of Java's now infamous logging library Log4j:
• How does the vulnerability work?
• Why is it comparatively complex to detect and measure both for customized and off the shelf software?
• How can you monitor exploitation attempts?
Stop both panic and long-term safety issues — this is simply a "fun" one.

Lecture took place on Friday 24rd June 2022 at 11:30 in area 1

Philipp lives to demo interesting technology. Having worked as a web, infrastructure, and database engineer for over 10 years, Philipp is now a developer advocate and EMEA squad lead at Elastic — the company behind the Elastic Stack consisting of Elasticsearch, Kibana, Beats, and Logstash. Based in Vienna, Austria, he is constantly traveling Europe and beyond to talk and discuss open origin software, search, databases, infrastructure, and safety — hopefully shortly again.

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