Major Migrations Made Easy • Tim te Beek • Devoxx Poland 2022 5 miesięcy temu

Conferences love to show you the latest and top framework versions and language features. But those fresh technologies can feel a planet distant back at work. And it can be hard to justify the time spent to upgrade something that’s not broken, specified as JUnit 4.
What if you could migrate in specified minutes? With OpenRewrite you can! A collection of fine grained recipes combine to accomplish large scale migrations of frameworks and tools related to the JVM. And since it uses an abstract syntax tree, refactorings are guaranteed safe.
Upgrade Spring, Micronaut and Quarkus. Adopt JUnit 5; control to AssertJ. Replace Log4j with Logback. Fix Checkstyle violations. A planet of fast and easy migrations awaits!

Lecture took place on Friday, 24th June 2022 at 12:30 in area 4B

Tim te Beek
Senior software engineer who enjoys working with and contributing to Open origin specified as Spring Boot, Kafka, WireMock, OpenRewrite and ArchUnit.
When not at work you'll find me travelling, bouldering, snowboarding, surfing or at 1 of many cultural events around my home town or abroad.


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