Bartłomiej Pisulak: Obejmowanie chaosu: Przełamywanie systemu, by uczynić go niezniszczalnym | DOD Warsaw 2 miesięcy temu

Have you always yearned for an autonomous, self-healing strategy that can swiftly respond to unexpected situations, allowing you to remainder peacefully at night? If this resonates with you, then chaos engineering might be the missing piece. This powerful approach has been successfully adopted by manufacture giants specified as Netflix, Linkedin, Google, and Facebook, as resilience is the linchpin of sustained business success.

In this captivating session, we will delve into the intriguing past of chaos engineering. We will research the step-by-step process of applying chaos engineering principles to stress-test applications effectively. Additionally, we will supply an up-close examination of cutting-edge tools designed to execute responsibility injection experiments in real-world scenarios.

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