Edwin Derks: How Composable Architectures can solve the reasons for Microservices | JDD 2023

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Many companies present want a faster time-to-market, more flexibility, and scalability for their digital services. Investments are frequently made in IT for this, specified as a “migration to the cloud” and developing “microservices”. However, the consequence is frequently that specified a transition and improvement becomes more complex and more expensive, alternatively of being able to take advantage of the anticipated benefits. So what causes this? Which aspect is missing from the application of cloud infrastructure and microservices? What can you do to make them beneficial? This is where Composable Architecture comes in! In this session, I will 1) Elaborate on Composable Architecture and how we got there; 2) specify the value of applying composable architectures utilizing the Composable Enterprise as a framework; 3) Share how I applied Composable Architectures in projects, and what I learned from it.

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