Jannik Clausen: Schema-as-Code: Developer platforms and database schema changes | DOD Warsaw 2023

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Database schema changes are a risky business. If you're not careful, you can introduce a breaking change that can bring your application down, run a destructive change that results in data failure or accidentally lock a table for writes for a long period of time.

When observed through the lens of widely accepted metrics for software transportation specified as deployment frequency, change failure rate, etc we can see how the way most teams manage database schema changes present has an adverse impact on their performance. simply put, teams are mostly super careful erstwhile it comes to planning and applying changes to the database, choosing safety over velocity.

In this talk we will review:
* The risks associated with making database schema changes, and the shortcomings of current approaches to managing them.
* Schema-as-Code: how modern tools, specified as Atlas (an OSS schema management tool) apply proven principles from another DevOps domains to make database schema changes both safer and faster at the same time.
* How to build schema change management capabilities into your developer platform today.

DevOpsDays Warsaw: https://devopsdays.pl/