JDD 2022: Aleksandra Błaszczyk - Burnout alert! How to keep your flame burning in post-pandemic...

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"Burnout alert! How to keep your flame burning in post-pandemic reality"

Working from home seems like a large deal for IT crowd full of introverted people. Finally, no 1 bothers you with
pointless tiny talks, no 1 shows up at your desk uninvited, you can sleep till the first online call and take full charge of
your calendar. It should be a large getaway from work overload, stress and burnout. Yet you feel just FINE: Frustrated,
Insecure, Neurotic and Exhausted. Does it sound familiar?
Even though civilization and technology has caught up to the post-pandemic reality very quickly, your human brain
hasn’t. According to the planet wellness Organization all 2nd individual will experience burnout at least erstwhile in a lifetime,
especially in modern society. That’s why after 2 years of fresh working regular it’s worthwhile to do a self-checkup:
 Have you lately had a hard time getting up to work?
 Do you experience anxiety for no apparent reason, even erstwhile you are all comfy at your home office?
 Do you avoid coming to the office, due to the fact that you have developed fear of gathering people?
 Have you been making cynical comments about your co-workers or clients?
 Have you noticed your professional life runs in cycles: from advanced motivation to full exhaustion?
 Have you lost your drive and secretly fear that you might be finished in your profession?
If you answered “yes” to at least 2 of those questions, there is simply a chance you’re on the edge of burnout.
Want to know more? Join my talk!
You will learn:
 what are the symptoms and root causes of burnout
 how to prevent and overcome burnout
 how to plant Seeds of extremist Self-Care for intellectual hygiene
 how to take charge of your fresh workstyle and well-being
 how to usage sensory intelligence to build intellectual resilience
And if you can’t wait to it, meantime take a Burnout Test:

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