JDD 2022: Nacho Cougil - TDD: seriously, effort it!

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Have you heard of TDD? Are you curious or acquainted with this practice but have never been able to realize it?

Join this session to see the benefits of Test-Driven improvement (TDD), realize how it works and its benefits. In a more detailed approach, we will see this way of developing software, where our code is always built guided by tests.

We will go over any past about TDD, which is the main process we must follow erstwhile we work with this mechanic and the rules that environment it. We will besides list the main advantages and disadvantages that most developers who practice TDD find and whether the arguments in favour add up to more than those that subtract. Finally, we will review any good habits and practices erstwhile applying TDD and see how to do it step by step with an example of a "live" coding session with Java.

At the end of the session, I hope that you will have a wider knowing of what TDD is, what advantages it brings, why it is interesting to master it and besides that you will take with you any tricks and good practices to be able to apply them in your day-to-day life erstwhile writing code.

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