Karolina Ochlik: Hej inżynier - ułatwiaj zmianę! Wdrażanie lean DevOps | DOD Warsaw 2023

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As people active in implementing Agile, DevOps and SRE best practices we're meant to be heavy relied upon. Managers and teams frequently effort to emphasise automation in order to say "We do DevOps". Without simplification of the processes around full SDLC and/or making them generic we're doomed to loads of manual work and immense amount of work in progress. How can we prevent that? How can we be the facilitators of change? Why do people are stuck in approaches from way back?

I will talk about how can people who are willing to work with people be enablers of thin DevOps - approach in which we can effort to fix many big-scale problems. How can I as an engineer influence a wider change, not only from my task position - but besides an enterprise one.

DevOpsDays Warsaw: https://devopsdays.pl/