Katharina Sick: Zasada najmniejszego przywileju: Jak zabezpieczyć Kubernetes bez zmuszania użytkowników do nienawiści

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According to OWASP, insecure workload configuration is the top safety problem in Kubernetes. As modern Kubernetes clusters evolve from specified container orchestrators to versatile control planes managing various resources, minimizing the attack surface of these clusters becomes even more critical.

But safety shouldn't come at the expense of user experience. This talk will cover the rule of Least Privilege (PoLP) and how it can be applied to balance robust safety and a good experience for users and administrators. Moreover, it will extend this rule to ArgoCD and Crossplane and research the differences between the PoLP and Zero Trust and how they're complementary.

Join me to discover how the rule of Least Privilege, applied to Kubernetes, ArgoCD, and Crossplane, empowers you to safeguard your Kubernetes ecosystem without making yourself and your users suffer.

DevOpsDays Warsaw: https://devopsdays.pl/