Konrad Szałkowski: How to make your electrons do more in Java? | JDD 2023

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This is 2 part talk - in first 1 I want to tell you a communicative about 1 of the most not-spoken-of additions in fresh Java releases - Vector API - to show how it can be used, what is it good for and what gains are there for you. In second 1 I want to show you that in your machines there is more processing power that you are harnessing in your day to day improvement with JVM and show you that there are people trying to bring this power to JVM world. They are authors of TornadoVM - a hybrid solution which Is utilizing GraalVM and another native-code tooling to run your computations on GPUs and FPGAs. Everything served in well known syntax and easy to comprehend constructs known from many languages (not only Java). There will be talking, live coding and benchmarks - so lots of fun and amusement.

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