Michał Brygidyn: Scenariusze hakowania w chmurze | DOD Warsaw 2023

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You’ve been proceeding a lot about safety best practices, but you’re not convinced they can truly make a difference? Do you think your resources are safe only due to the fact that nobody would announcement your random IP address?

In this presentation, I will share real-life attack scenarios to convince you that misconfigurations can have dire consequences.

Attendees will gain a comprehensive knowing of real-world examples, complete with screenshots.

I will discuss multiple different attack vectors to show the diverse scope of threats organizations face in today's digital landscape.
As an AWS Ambassador, I will focus on AWS-specific scenarios, but it's crucial to note that akin risks apply to all major public clouds. Don't miss this talk on cloud safety and how to defend your organization's valuable assets.

DevOpsDays Warsaw: https://devopsdays.pl/