Piotr Stawirej: investigating the untestable - patterns and usage cases analysis | JDD 2023

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During my journey as a programmer, trainer and mentor I have encountered multiple situations erstwhile my colleagues or myself encountered hard to test code. any of these situations were nearly identical for multiple people, any of them not. In this talk I will show how you can simplify your application and open it up for investigating by analysing encountered usage cases with applied solutions. cognition of OOP, Onion Architecture, Java (and the JUnit ) or Java like language, and experience in writing unit, integration and end to end tests is recommended before joining session.

After this talk you will know:
What is the grey area of tests.
Know strategies to test problematic classes.
Test integration with external libraries and frameworks and services
How to effectively usage Fakes.
What to mock and what not to mock.
How to velocity up integration tests.
How to test time dependent code.
How to test no visible effect action.
How to reuse Unit Acceptance Tests as integration or API tests.
How to test async code.
Useful investigating heuristics.

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