Praca w IT od zera. Junior digest, grudzień 2024 3 miesięcy temu

Grudzień to czas podsumowań, ale też doskonały moment, by zrobić pierwszy krok w stronę swojej kariery w IT. Junior digest pomoże Ci znaleźć praktykę lub pracę, która otworzy drzwi do świata nowoczesnych technologii.

Grudniowe wydanie to ponad 50+ ofert pracy i staży dla studentów i osób z minimalnym doświadczeniem zawodowym. jeżeli szukasz poprzednich możliwości, sprawdź edycję listopadową.

W tym miesiącu znajdziesz oferty od takich firm, jak Google, Rumble Fish oraz Samsung R&D, które poszukują nowych talentów do swoich zespołów.

Nie czekaj – rozpocznij swoją przygodę już teraz i znajdź swoją ofertę!


Praktyki HR

Gdańsk, Wrocław, Warszawa, Poznań, Kraków

  • Jeśli chcesz działać jako headhunter, wyszukiwać unikalne talenty i poznawać ludzi — to ten staż jest właśnie dla Ciebie!
  • HR to coś, co zawsze Cię interesowało? Potrafisz kończyć rozpoczęte działania i swobodnie komunikujesz się w języku angielskim?
  • Współpracujemy z Uczelniami w Polsce i jako organizator praktyk zapewniamy sprawny przebieg praktyk.


Junior Technical Support Specialist


  • Gamer / interest in games / passion for games — must have.
  • Experience working in widely defined people-facing services or customer support.
  • Excellent communication skills in English including writing (wording, layout, formality level adjustment).
  • Strong teamwork skills.
  • Analytical thinking.
  • Tech savvy.

DXC Technology

Junior Financial Analyst


  • Basic understanding of accounting principles and financial analysis.
  • Detail oriented
  • Strong business application skills (e.g., Microsoft Excel)
  • Basic communication and influencing skills as in the role you will work closely finance functions and teams
  • Excellent teamwork skills
  • Can-do attitude
  • Effective & Operational English

Junior Payroll Specialist with German


  • Very good command of German (min. B2) and English (min. B1)
  • Analytical thinking
  • Focus on details
  • Willingness to learner
  • Ability work under time-pressure

Junior Accounting Specialist with Portuguese


  • Good command of English and Portuguese (B1/B2 level)
  • Willingness to develop in the area of finance
  • Analytical thinking skills
  • Highly developed interpersonal and communication skills
  • Solution-oriented approach
  • Ability to learn fast
  • Don’t worry if you don’t have previous deep accounting experience — we will teach you everything!

Junior Accounting Specialist with French


  • Good command of English and French (B1/B2 level)
  • Willingness to develop in the area of finance
  • Analytical thinking skills
  • Highly developed interpersonal and communication skills
  • Solution-oriented approach
  • Ability to learn fast
  • Don’t worry if you don’t have previous deep accounting experience — we will teach you everything!


Jr QA Manual Engineer


  • At least 1 years of commercial experience in testing or other equivalent experience, preferably on desktop platforms (MacOS, Windows).
  • Motivated and innovative approach to testing.
  • Ability to create effective test cases and execute them.
  • Knowledge about how to apply testing methodologies (functional and non-functional) to real life scenarios.
  • English skills that allow you to effectively communicate and perform your tasks.
  • Passion for solving problems, improving things, and advocating for quality.
  • Curiosity and strong attention to detail.


Junior PHP/JS Developer


  • dobra znajomość języka PHP (z naciskiem na OOP), JavaScript (jQuery) i SQL (MySQL)
  • znajomość modelu MVC i frameworków języka PHP
  • znajomość procesu wytwarzania systemu oraz metodyk testowania
  • umiejętność rozwijania systemu na podstawie istniejących założeń architektonicznych
  • doświadczenie w implementacji systemów informatycznych


Software Engineer, Early Career, Cloud AI


  • Bachelor’s degree or equivalent practical experience.
  • Experience with software development in one or more programming languages (e.g., Python, C, C++, Java, JavaScript).
  • Experience working with data structures or algorithms during coursework/projects, research, internships, or practical experience in school or work (e.g., open-source coding).

Software Engineer, Early Career, Campus


  • Bachelor’s degree or equivalent practical experience.
  • Experience with software development in one or more programming languages (e.g., Python, C, C++, Java, JavaScript).
  • Experience working with data structures or algorithms during coursework/projects, research, internships, or practical experience in school or work (e.g., open-source coding).

Software Engineer II, Kubernetes Control Plane


  • Bachelor’s degree or equivalent practical experience.
  • 1 year of experience with software development in one or more programming languages (e.g., Python, C, C++, Java, JavaScript).
  • 1 year of experience with data structures or algorithms.

Software Engineer II, Borg


  • Bachelor’s degree or equivalent practical experience.
  • 1 year of experience with software development in one or more programming languages (e.g., Python, C, C++, Java, JavaScript).
  • 1 year of experience with data structures or algorithms.

Associate Cloud Technical Solutions Engineer, Storage


  • Bachelor’s degree in Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics, or equivalent practical experience.
  • Experience troubleshooting and advocating for customers' needs, and triaging technical issues (e.g., hardware, software, application, operational, process).
  • Experience coding in a general purpose coding language (e.g., Java, C, C++, Python, Shell, Go or JavaScript, etc.) or in system design.

Software Engineer II, Full Stack, Google Ads


  • Bachelor’s degree or equivalent practical experience.
  • 1 year of experience with software development in one or more programming languages (e.g., Python, C, C++, Java, JavaScript).
  • 1 year of experience with full stack development, across back-end such as Java, Python, GO, or C++ codebases, and front-end experience including JavaScript or TypeScript, HTML, CSS or equivalent.
  • 1 year of experience with data structures or algorithms.

Software Engineer II, EasySaaS Reliability and Scalability


  • Bachelor’s degree or equivalent practical experience.
  • 1 year of experience with software development in one or more programming languages (e.g., Python, C, C++, Java, JavaScript).
  • 1 year of experience with data structures or algorithms.
  • 1 year of experience building and developing infrastructure or distributed systems.

Software Engineer II, Site Reliability Engineering


  • Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science, a related field, or equivalent practical experience.
  • 1 year of experience with data structures/algorithms and software development in one or more programming languages during coursework/projects, research, internships, or practical experience in school, work, or Open Source projects.

Software Engineer II, Buyable Corpus Software Engineering


  • Bachelor’s degree or equivalent practical experience.
  • 1 year of experience with software development in one or more programming languages (e.g., Python, C, C++, Java, JavaScript).
  • 1 year of experience with data structures or algorithms.

Software Engineer II, Google Kubernetes Engine, Anthos Networking


  • Bachelor's degree in Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics, or equivalent practical experience.
  • 1 year of experience writing code in one or more programming languages (e.g., Python, Java).
  • 1 year of experience in solution engineering and 1 year of experience in stakeholder management, professional services, or technical consulting.

Software Engineer ll, Embedded, Pixel Power


  • Bachelor’s degree or equivalent practical experience.
  • 1 year of experience with software development in one or more programming languages (e.g., Python, C, C++, Java, JavaScript).
  • 1 year of experience with data structures or algorithms.
  • 1 year of experience working with embedded operating systems.

Software Engineer, Early Career, Campus


  • Bachelor’s degree or equivalent practical experience.
  • Experience with software development in one or more programming languages (e.g., Python, C, C++, Java, JavaScript).
  • Experience working with data structures or algorithms during coursework/projects, research, internships, or practical experience in school or work (e.g., open-source coding).

Software Engineer II, Shopping Metrics


  • Bachelor’s degree or equivalent practical experience.
  • 1 year of experience with software development in one or more programming languages (e.g., Python, C, C++, Java, JavaScript).
  • 1 year of experience with data structures or algorithms.

Software Engineer ll, Buyable Corpus


  • Bachelor’s degree or equivalent practical experience.
  • 1 year of experience with software development in one or more programming languages (e.g., Python, C, C++, Java, JavaScript).
  • 1 year of experience with data structures or algorithms.
  • 1 year of experience building and developing infrastructure or distributed systems.

Software Engineer II, Google Compute Engine, Autoscaler


  • Bachelor’s degree or equivalent practical experience.
  • 1 year of experience with software development in one or more programming languages (e.g., Python, C, C++, Java, JavaScript).
  • 1 year of experience with data structures or algorithms.

ISS Facility Services

Analityk operacyjny


  • Bardzo dobra znajomość języka angielskiego, min. B2
  • Biegła znajomość narzędzi Microsoft Power Platform
  • Umiejętność integracji rozwiązań Power Platform z SharePoint w celu płynnego zarządzania danymi
  • Umiejętności w zakresie skryptów Python do automatyzacji procesów danych i Power Query do transformacji danych Excel
  • Znajomość zarządzania bazami danych, w tym podstawowych zapytań SQL
  • Znajomość StackOverflow w zakresie rozwiązywania problemów technicznych
  • Silne umiejętności analityczne i komunikacyjne
  • Kreatywność w działaniu oraz samodzielność w zarządzaniu i ustalaniu priorytetów zadań
  • Gotowość do rozwijania wiedzy technicznej


Junior .Net Developer


  • A Bachelor's or Master’s degree in a relevant IT specialization is required
  • Fully flexible and open to working with various technological platforms and tools
  • Strong willingness to improve programming skills and take on new IT challenges
  • A basic understanding of object-oriented programming is a must
  • Excellent communication, and collaboration abilities
  • Proficiency in the English language is required

Junior Java Developer


  • A Bachelor's or Master’s degree in a relevant IT specialization is required
  • Fully flexible and open to working with various technological platforms and tools
  • Strong willingness to improve programming skills and take on new IT challenges
  • A basic understanding of object-oriented programming is a must
  • Excellent communication, and collaboration abilities
  • Proficiency in the English language is required


Junior DevOps Engineer

  • co najmniej rok doświadczenia w branży
  • swobodne poruszanie się w środowisku systemu operacyjnego GNU/Linux
  • doświadczenie w systemach automatyzacji i provisioningu konfiguracji, takich jak Ansible
  • rozumienie działania sieci TCP/IP
  • co najmniej ogólna wiedza o wirtualizacji i konteneryzacji, w tym o platformach dedykowanych dla chmur obliczeniowych jak OpenStack czy AWS
  • doświadczenie z systemami kontroli wersji (Git)
  • tworzenie skryptów z wykorzystaniem powłok systemowych (np. Bash)
  • płynne posługiwanie się językiem polskim i angielskim
  • umiejętności komunikacyjne i potrafisz efektywnie współpracować w zespole

NoMachine Poland

C/C++ Migration Developer


  • dobra znajomość C, C++
  • znajomość Linuxa
  • znajomość dowolnego języka skryptowego
  • umiejętność kreatywnego myślenia i samodzielnego radzenia sobie z zadaniami
  • umiejętność szybkiego uczenia się i przyswajania nowych technologii
  • umiejętność komunikacji i współpracy w zespole
  • znajomość języka angielskiego na poziomie komunikacyjnym oraz w zakresie czytania i rozumienia dokumentacji technicznej

Link Group

Junior/ Regular QA Manual


  • Przeprowadzanie testów manualnych – wykonywanie ręcznych testów funkcjonalnych i regresyjnych w ramach projektów opartych na systemach CMS, takich jak Sitecore, Umbraco oraz headless rozwiązaniach opartych o Next.js, w celu zapewnienia poprawności działania frontendu i podstawowych implementacji.
  • Tworzenie i aktualizacja scenariuszy testowych – opracowywanie, dokumentowanie i regularne aktualizowanie scenariuszy testowych, uwzględniających specyfikacje funkcjonalne i wymagania projektowe, aby zapewnić pełne pokrycie testowe.
  • Zgłaszanie i śledzenie błędów – identyfikacja, raportowanie i monitorowanie błędów oraz niezgodności w systemie, a także współpracą z zespołem developerskim w celu ich szybkiego usunięcia.

Junior .NET Developer


  • Basic understanding of C#, ASP.NET, and the .NET framework.
  • Familiarity with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for front-end development.
  • Knowledge of SQL and relational database systems like SQL Server.
  • Exposure to version control systems, such as Git.
  • Experience with Visual Studio or similar IDEs is preferred.

Junior Angular Developer


  • Basic understanding of Angular (preferably Angular 2+).
  • Knowledge of HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript/TypeScript.
  • Familiarity with RESTful APIs and integrating them into front-end applications.
  • Understanding of responsive design and CSS frameworks (e.g., Bootstrap).
  • Exposure to version control tools like Git.
  • Experience with Angular CLI and RxJS is a plus.


JavaScript Developer / Junior


  • Znasz HTML, CSS
  • Znasz JS
  • Stale poszerzasz swoją wiedzą dotyczącą frontend'u
  • Znasz język angielski (podstawa do zrozumienia dokumentacji)

Refonte Infini

Digital Marketing


  • Currently pursuing any degree showcasing a strong commitment to continuous learning and professional growth.
  • Exceptional written and verbal communication skills, vital for effective collaboration and articulation of complex ideas.
  • Demonstrated ability to work both independently and as part of a cohesive team, highlighting adaptability and strong teamwork capabilities.

Ai & Data Science Intern


  • Collaborate with our esteemed data science experts to collect, clean, and analyze extensive datasets, honing skills in data preprocessing and visualization.
  • Contribute to the development of predictive models and algorithms, employing cutting-edge machine learning techniques to solve real-world challenges.
  • Work closely with team members to design, implement, and evaluate experiments, fostering a collaborative and innovative environment.
  • Stay updated with the latest industry trends and best practices in data science, applying newfound knowledge to enhance project outcomes.

Cyber Security Training & Internship


  • Current or previous engagement in bachelor's or postgraduate studies
  • Basic understanding of cybersecurity principles and practices.
  • Familiarity with common cybersecurity tools and technologies.
  • Strong analytical and problem-solving skills.
  • Ability to work independently and as part of a team.
  • Willingness to purchase the Cyber Security toolkit.

Data Analytics Training & Internhsip


  • Collaborate with our esteemed data science experts to collect, clean, and analyze extensive datasets, honing skills in data preprocessing and visualization.
  • Utilize machine learning and data mining techniques to extract insights from large datasets, including Excel interface structure identification.
  • Apply Python programming skills for Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) in real business scenarios, focusing on risk analytics in banking and financial services.
  • Design scientific tests and optimize model performance using the latest modeling technologies like no-code databases and data mining.
  • Collaborate with a team of experts to build machine learning pipelines for diverse use cases in commerce, financial markets, and procurement.
  • Work with internal stakeholders to explore and understand business data, formulate hypotheses, and measure the impact of strategies using techniques like T-tests.
  • Solve specific challenges and develop innovative solutions by adapting modeling technologies like bike share systems.
  • Learn and apply complex analytical techniques using tools like Tableau.
  • Prepare reports and presentations to effectively communicate data analysis processes and results.

Business Analytics


  • Collect and analyze business data to identify trends and opportunities for improvement.
  • Assist in preparing reports and presentations for senior management.
  • Support the development of business models and forecasting tools.
  • Contribute to the design and implementation of data-driven strategies.
  • Collaborate with cross-functional teams to gather and analyze data from multiple sources.
  • Participate in meetings and brainstorming sessions to generate insights and solutions.
  • Stay informed about industry trends and best practices in business analytics.
  • Maintain data integrity and confidentiality in accordance with company policies.

AI & Data Engineering Study & Internship


  • Currently pursuing a degree in Computer Science, Engineering, or related fields, demonstrating a strong commitment to continuous learning and professional growth.
  • Proficient in programming languages such as Python, Java, or SQL.
  • Familiarity with database management systems (e.g., MySQL, PostgreSQL).
  • Strong analytical and problem-solving skills, with attention to detail.
  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills, essential for effective collaboration and conveying complex concepts.
  • Ability to work independently and as part of a team, showcasing adaptability and strong teamwork capabilities.

Rumble Fish

Junior Frontend Developer (React)


  • Technologies in which you will work: TypeScript, React, Redux, Redux-saga, Material UI, Linux, Github, Agile.
  • Great if you know: GraphQL, Node.js, NestJS, AWS, Docker, Web3, Blockchain, Solidity, Hardhat
  • Important traits: knowledge of English allowing for daily communication with the client

Samsung R&D Institute Poland

Internship — Mobile Security Intern


  • Ability to leverage scripting languages like Bash or Python for implementationof automatable tasks
  • Understanding of Linux/Android Operating System low-level components like drivers
  • Knowledge of Kernel interworking with drivers, services and higher-level platform components
  • Basics of code review focused on finding vulnerabilities, ability to spot and propose tests of the exploitability of possible issues like overflows in a given piece of code
  • Knowledge about reverse-engineering and binary analysis, GDB, IDA Pro

Internship — Test Engineer in Smart TV Applications Intern


  • Good communication in English
  • Quality oriented approach and attention to details
  • Willingness to knowledge gathering and mastering new technologies, with involvement and proactive attitude
  • Teamwork skills
  • Basic development competencies in JavaScript, HTML and CSS

Junior Tester in QA Team


  • Degree or last year of studies in computer science / mathematics / telecommunications or/and linguistics / philology
  • Spanish or/and French or/and German or/and Italian language speaking, at least at A1/B2 level
  • General interest in technology and SW testing area
  • Thirst for learning and mastering new technologies, with proactive attitude
  • Diligence, quality-focus and attention to detail
  • Good communication skills
  • Fluent written and spoken English, at least on B2 level

Assistant in Learning & Development department


  • Interest in HR, especially training & development area
  • Communicative English
  • Availability min. 30 h per week
  • Good practical knowledge of MS Office especially PowerPoint, Canva
  • Ease in using new programs
  • Good organization of own work and ability to work under time pressure
  • Openness and positive attitude

Machine Translation Product Owner


  • Bachelor's or master's degree in Project Management, Business IT, Product Design or related fields
  • Value-driven work ethic and empathizing stakeholder's needs
  • Great communication and facilitation skills (Polish and English at advanced level)
  • Understanding modern technology lifecycle (CI/CD, QA, AI)
  • Ability to work in a multidisciplinary and multicultural environment
  • Holistic approach to overcoming challenges and performing root cause analysis

Internship — LTE/5G Mobile Telecommunication Intern


  • Student or graduate of telecommunication, electronics or similar
  • Basic knowledge about UMTS/LTE/LTE Advanced & 5G
  • English and Polish language at communicative level

Internship — Automotive Software Tester with Python


  • Knowledge of Python programming
  • Experience with Linux (user side), including shell scripts development (bash)
  • Experience with GIT
  • Very good command of English – including the ability to read technical specifications
  • Keen on staying up to date with the latest technological advancements

Internship — Automotive Platform Developer​


  • C/C++ programming skills
  • Python programming skills
  • Knowledge of Linux, embedded systems
  • Students from informatics, telecommunications, teleinformatics, radio electronics or similar
  • Good English skills

Internship — Mobile Devices Tester


  • Last years of studies (Bachelor or Master degree in Computer Science, Electronics, Telecommunication or related fields)
  • Good teamwork and communication skills
  • Very good command of English – ability to write technical specifications
  • Very good knowledge of MS Office
  • Analytical approach

Internship — Linux Embedded Intern in Automotive Team


  • Linux user
  • Knowledge of C
  • Very good command of English – including the ability to read technical specifications
  • Keen on high-technology

Silky Coders

Staż HelpDesk


  • Studiujesz (studia niestacjonarne) lub studiowałaś/łeś na kierunkach technicznych, informatycznych
  • Chcesz się rozwijać oraz pogłębiać wiedzę w zakresie IT
  • Bardzo dobrze organizujesz sobie pracę własną
  • Dbasz o szczegóły

Junior Personalization Specialist


  • Masz doświadczenie w pracy w eCommerce/digital marketingu/MarTech
  • Masz doświadczenie w konfiguracji kampanii marketing automation, segmentacji odbiorców i chcesz zdobyć wiedzę w zakresie personalizacji
  • Masz rozwinięte umiejętności analizy danych i wyciągania wniosków
  • Chcesz zdobyć doświadczenie w stosowaniu podejścia Test & Learn
  • Zapał do pracy i testowania nowych rozwiązań
  • Jesteś proaktywna/ny i szukasz szans na rozwój platform na podstawie danych jakościowych i ilościowych

Junior Business System Specialist


  • Chcesz kontynuować bądź rozpocząć przygodę w fascynującym świecie IT
  • Jesteś otwarta/y na zdobywanie nowej wiedzy i rozwój swoich umiejętności
  • Pomożesz nam wspierać naszych użytkowników w rozwiązywaniu problemów
  • Jesteś komunikatywna/y i lubisz pracować w zespole
  • Sprawnie poruszasz się w środowisku Windows oraz aplikacji MS Office
  • Komunikatywnie posługujesz się językiem angielskim w mowie i piśmie
  • Mile widziane jest także: doświadczenie w obsłudze klienta, podstawowa znajomość SQL oraz doświadczenie w pracy biurowej

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