Rails 8 with Solid Queue 1.1 deployed with Capistrano

dou.eu 1 miesiąc temu

While configuring my Ruby on Rails application, I ran into unexpected challenges setting up Solid Queue 1.1.3. With PostgreSQL as the database and Capistrano handling deployments (though I haven’t explored Kamal yet), I anticipated a straightforward setup—but version 1 introduced some complexities.

After researching blog posts, GitHub issues, and troubleshooting along the way, I’ve compiled this guide to help others overcome similar configuration hurdles more easily.

Server setup

I use the one Fotbo VPS (referral link) with Postgres manually preinstalled and configured Capistrano for deployment on Debian 12. To run Solid Queue, I set up systemd as was mentioned in the first good documentation I found from Rob Zolkos.

So, we need to define the systemd service in a file located in your deploy users home folder (in my case, the use name is deploy):


Insert the configurations (change the <my app> and /home/deploy/.rbenv/shims/ruby to your values):

[Unit] Description=solid_queue for my app After=syslog.target network.target [Service] Type=simple Environment=RAILS_ENV=production WorkingDirectory=/home/deploy/<my app>/current ExecStart=/home/deploy/.rbenv/shims/ruby -- /home/deploy/<my app>/current/bin/jobs ExecReload=/bin/kill -TSTP $MAINPID ExecStop=/bin/kill -TERM $MAINPID Environment=MALLOC_ARENA_MAX=2 RestartSec=1 Restart=on-failure SyslogIdentifier=solid_queue [Install] WantedBy=default.target

Take a note to the ExecStart command, since the Solid Queue changed the way to start the service I used the binstub command, previously it was rake solid_queue:start

Reload the daemon after adding the configurations so the new service is loaded:

$ systemctl --user daemon-reload

Start the service:

$ systemctl --user start solid_queue.service

Check the status:

$ systemctl --user status solid_queue.service ● solid_queue.service — solid_queue for my_app Loaded: loaded (/home/deploy/.config/systemd/user/solid_queue.service; enabled; preset: enabled) Active: active (running) since Sat 2025-02-22 10:23:51 UTC; 24h ago ...

Enable the service to start at boot:

$ systemctl --user enable solid_queue.service

Enable the service to keep running when the deploy user is logged out:

$ sudo loginctl enable-linger

This is all that you should do on the server.

Application setup

Solid Queue gem

I created the app using Rails 8, so the Solid Queue gem was already added to the Gemfile. But in case you are migrating from Rails 7, just follow the gem's documentation:

$ bundle add solid_queue $ bin/rails solid_queue:install

This will configure Solid Queue as the production Active Job backend, create the configuration files config/queue.yml and config/recurring.yml, and create the db/queue_schema.rb. It'll also create a bin/jobs executable wrapper that you can use to start Solid Queue.
Once you've done that, you will then have to add the configuration for the queue database in config/database.yml.

Solid Queue README # config/database.yml production: primary: &primary_production <<: *default database: app_production username: app password: <%= ENV["APP_DATABASE_PASSWORD"] %> queue: <<: *primary_production database: app_production_queue migrations_paths: db/queue_migrate

Check the config/environments/production.rb so it has these lines:

config.active_job.queue_adapter = :solid_queue config.solid_queue.connects_to = { database: { writing: :queue } }

Then run db:prepare in production to ensure the database is created and the schema is loaded. In my case this command didn't create the database, so I created it manually, but for some reason I received the PG::UndefinedTable: ERROR: relation "solid_queue_jobs" does not exist error when I tried to schedule the job for later.

After the investigation, I found the Loading schema in production GitHub Issue where as temporal solution was this suggestion to loaded the schema in a rails console with:

ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection(:queue) load 'db/queue_schema.rb'

After that, my background job was successfully scheduled 🎉!

Capistrano setup

To get the solid_queue systemd service to restart during the deployment, I added these tasks to deploy.rb file:

# solid queue set :solid_queue_systemd_unit_name, "solid_queue.service" namespace :solid_queue do desc "Quiet solid_queue (start graceful termination)" task :quiet do on roles(:app) do execute :systemctl, "--user", "kill", "-s", "SIGTERM", fetch(:solid_queue_systemd_unit_name), raise_on_non_zero_exit: false end end desc "Stop solid_queue (force immediate termination)" task :stop do on roles(:app) do execute :systemctl, "--user", "kill", "-s", "SIGQUIT", fetch(:solid_queue_systemd_unit_name), raise_on_non_zero_exit: false end end desc "Start solid_queue" task :start do on roles(:app) do execute :systemctl, "--user", "start", fetch(:solid_queue_systemd_unit_name) end end desc "Restart solid_queue" task :restart do on roles(:app) do execute :systemctl, "--user", "restart", fetch(:solid_queue_systemd_unit_name) end end end after "deploy:starting", "solid_queue:quiet" after "deploy:updated", "solid_queue:stop" after "deploy:published", "solid_queue:start" after "deploy:failed", "solid_queue:restart"

So when you run cap production deploy the solid_queue service will be restarted automatically by Capistrano.

Mission Control — Jobs

This gem provides a Rails-based frontend to Active Job adapters. If you are familiar with Sidekiq Dashboard, this gem does the same for the Solid Queue jobs, in a separate route, it gives you the ability to check all the background jobs statistics, pause, restart failed, etc.

The setup is simple:

$ bundle add mission_control-jobs $ bin/rails mission_control:jobs:authentication:configure

In the prompt, you need to set the user name for the basic auth, these credentials will be saved in the Rails.application.credentials

mission_control: http_basic_auth_user: dev http_basic_auth_password: secret

Mount Mission Control Job's engine where you wish to have it accessible from your app, in your routes.rb file:

Rails.application.routes.draw do # ... mount MissionControl::Jobs::Engine, at: "/jobs"

Now you can open the /jobs path in your browser, enter the credentials you added, and you should see the Mission Control:

the Mission Control page

This is how it looks on my fresh set up.


Ruby on Rails is a powerful framework that enables fast development. However, you might encounter challenges due to changes in configurations and approaches across different open-source gems. Fortunately, the community is welcoming, and you can always find tips, suggestions, and assistance. If you haven't already, consider sharing your knowledge or joining the community. Here's a post on why Rails is excellent for solo development.

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