Rok Garbas: Tworzenie minimalnych, elastycznych i odtwarzalnych obrazów | DOD Warsaw 2023 2 miesięcy temu

In modern engineering organizations, the container image has become a core artifact that passes through build, CI, and release systems. However, these container images can be awkward; erstwhile inside a container, code becomes more hard to work with.

Containers are large for erstwhile you're ready to ship, but there are also ways to package, reuse, share and collaborate before deploying to production. any of these tools, like Nix and flox, can supply better reproducibility, consistency, and convenience than the Dockerfile we've all come to know and love.

This talk will supply a side-by-side comparison of different ways to make and manage container images, contrast the different philosophies behind each approach, and supply tips and tricks - made possible with open origin tooling - that can unleash cross-language and cross-machine portability for any software stack.

DevOpsDays Warsaw: