Threat hunting utilizing DNS firewalls and data enrichment 5 lat temu
After seeing a fewer advertisements about DNS firewalls and how costly they are, I want to share my experience with blue teamers about how DNS firewalls work and how that cognition can be utilized for in-house threat hunting solutions and/or building your own DNS firewall (aka do it yourself). These are examples of an approach to detect malicious behaviour, not a tailor made solutions.

At the beginning I would like to item that it’s a good practice to monitor not only logs but besides DNS traffic in real time. specified traffic isn’t encrypted and if you only check DNS server logs then you can miss direct requests to another DNS servers. Additionally you can besides usage late published version of Sysmon [] which supports DNS queries in event ID 22 (DNSEvent).

The DNS queries utilized below that end with were generated by a malicious WPAD file, a badWPAD attack, which was analysed in a erstwhile blog post [].

Multiple levels / advanced number of subdomains

Typical DNS queries are not utilizing multiple subdomains. Higher number of subdomains might indicate that the DNS is malicious. nevertheless an exception to this regulation can be CDN (Content transportation Network) queries.

$ echo | tr -cd '.' | wc -c

Detection indicator for this method is based on counting the dots in the query. In the example of malicious DNS query above there is 7 dots present.

Example Wireshark display filter: dns.count.labels > 6 or dns.count.labels > 6 && !(dns.qry.type == 12)

Domain dimension / DNS query length

Total dimension of a DNS query is simply a good origin in detecting malicious communication due to the fact that very long queries are sometimes utilized for data exfiltration or communication with C&C (C2) servers etc. The longer is the dimension of a request query the hazard that it might be malicious is higher.

$ echo -n | wc -c

There are 67 chars.

The full domain name can have a full dimension of 253 characters, so there is simply quite a few space for data transfer in each DNS query:

$ echo -n
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. | wc -c

Each subdomain (label) can contain up to 63 characters:

$ for x in $(echo | sed 's/\./ /g');do printf "$x " && echo -n $x | wc -c;done
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa 63
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa 63
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa 63
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa 49
example 7
com 3

63+63+63+49+7+3=248 + 5 dots give us a full number of 253 characters.

In fact if you find 63 characters in any part (subdomain) then most likely the request is malicious.

Example Wireshark display filter: > 50 or > 50 && !(dns.qry.type == 12)

High entropy

Usually the entropy of malicious DNS queries is higher than the entropy of legitimate domain queries.

$ echo -n | ent
Entropy = 4.895606 bits per byte.

Entropy of the malicious query in the example above is 4.89.

$ for domain in $(head -11000 top-1m.csv | awk -F',' '{print $2}');do echo -n $domain | ent | head -1 | awk '{print $3}';done | awk '{ sum+=$1 } END { print "Average: " sum/NR }'
Average: 3.11043

Average entropy of top 11k domains from Alexa is 3.11.

Relying only on this method as a detection indicator can make false positives (especially for CDN) but if we will combine it with another indicators e.g. full DNS query dimension – it can be very effective.

Mixed uppercase and lowercase

If at any point mixed upper/lower case characters start to show up in the DNS communications, it should be investigated as it might be e.g. base64 encoded data. It should come to your attention especially with higher than usual entropy and query length.

$ echo | tr -cd '[A-Z]' | wc -c
$ echo | tr -cd '[a-z]' | wc -c

In the example above there are 13 uppercase characters and 25 lowercase characters, usually these should be all lowercase or all uppercase.

According to the RFC 4343 [] DNS names should be case insensitive. nevertheless this can be besides related to circumstantial system/software etc [].
Quoting Georgia Tech [], 0x20-Bit Encoding is “technique to make DNS queries more resistant to poisoning attacks: mix the advanced and lower case spelling of the domain name in the query. Fortuitously, almost all DNS authority servers preserve the mixed case encoding of the query in answer messages. Attackers hoping to poison a DNS cache must so guess the mixed-case encoding of the query, in addition to all another fields required in a DNS poisoning attack. This increases the difficulty of the attack”. This method is inactive not a standard (RFC draft []) and due to that most of DNS queries should inactive contain only lowercase characters.

Non-alphanumeric DNS requests

Domain names registration is allowed only with alphabet letters, digits and hyphens. Domains which are utilizing another characters are present in Punycode notation, but inactive in the DNS traffic there will be no another characters.

Non-alphanumeric DNS requests are very uncommon to see and in almost all cases requests like that are related to malicious behaviour, specified as transferring base64 encoded data in domain name:

$ host is an alias for

Wireshark display filter: ~ "[^a-zA-Z0-9.-]"


Punycode is defined in RFC 3492 [], quoting: “Punycode is simply a simple and efficient transfer encoding syntax designed for usage with Internationalized Domain Names in Applications (IDNA). It uniquely and reversibly transforms a Unicode string into an ASCII string. ASCII characters in the Unicode string are represented literally, and non-ASCII characters are represented by ASCII characters that are allowed in host name labels (letters, digits, and hyphens)”. fundamentally the intent of this feature is to usage peculiar letters (characters) from alphabets another than English (such as Polish diacritical marks) in domain names:


This domain will be translated by the client to:

Query should be visible as Punycode in network traffic:

DNS Standard query 0x60ee A

Punycode isn’t very popular and usage of this is marginal, but in the past it was utilized in phishing and malware campaigns [,].

  1. REDТEAM.PL / redт ( Т422
  2. REDTΕAM.PL / redtε ( Ε395
  3. REDTEΑM.PL / redteα ( Α391
  4. REDTEAМ.PL / redteaм.pl ( М41c
  5. rе ( е435

These are not real RED TEAM addresses but Punycode representation which looks precisely like REDTEAM.PL. due to this it is worth to keep track of the Punycode DNS requests and check them against legitimate but similar domain names without Punycode [].

Wireshark display filter: matches "^xn--"

Type of DNS request

Common DNS queries for workstations are A (IPv4), AAAA (IPv6) and PTR (revDNS).

Wireshark display filter: !(dns.qry.type == 1 || dns.qry.type == 28 || dns.qry.type == 12)

Very different queries for clients (not servers) are AXFR and ANY (*), which almost surely will be related to any malicious communication.

Wireshark display filter: dns.qry.type == 252 || dns.qry.type == 255 []

Another example is simply a workstation/desktop sending TXT DNS queries. It is an indicator of an abnormal behaviour as these queries are usually emitted by servers (like SPF, DKIM, DMARC etc). Queries like TXT are frequently utilized by malware authors as it’s the easiest way for communication through DNS (>255 characters in simple string).

$ host -t txt has no TXT record

Wireshark display filter: dns.qry.type == 16

However any legitimate applications send specified queries from client workstations e.g. ESET antivirus.

Wireshark display filter: ~ "$" []

From WHOIS domain evidence we can learn that it is hosted on ESET nameservers.

$ whois
Created: 2011-09-20
Updated: 2018-09-13
Valid Until: 2019-09-20
Organization: ESET, spol. s r.o.

Example of DNS queries, which looks malicious (but are legit and related to ESET antivirus):

If your organisation is utilizing ESET or any another legitimate software which sends “weird” DNS queries you can exclude it in a filter.

Example Wireshark display filter: !(dns.qry.type == 1 || dns.qry.type == 28 || dns.qry.type == 12 || ~ "$")

BTW, the ESET company is doing data enrichment with usage of DNS queries for MAC vendor:

$ host -t txt descriptive text "ESET-OUI:ASUSTek COMPUTER INC."

Reverse DNS (PTR record)

As mentioned above, common DNS queries for workstations are i.a. PTR (revDNS) records. Hostnames obtained from PTR responses can be checked like any another domain – against example rules presented in this article, to detect possible malicious communication.

$ host -t a has address
$ host domain name pointer domain name pointer domain name pointer domain name pointer

Let's presume there would be any .arpa domain name pointing for example to .kp (North Korea) gTLD, then utilizing PTR responses it could be possible to detect malicious behaviour like domain hijacking etc.

As another example (perhaps exaggerated) assuming that Google always has IP addresses with revDNS and 1 day it starts having another revDNS names, or just deficiency of any name pointer, it could aid in detecting attacks specified as BGP hijacking – let’s say in simplification, due to the fact that another point is DNS recursion and for example we can detect specified a large scale attack in the traffic from an ISP of DNS server.

Anyway, I powerfully believe that it is always worth to usage revDNS resolved domain names in another checks described in this article as it can supply unexpected results, in affirmative meaning, for detecting malicious behaviour.

Wireshark display filter: dns.ptr.domain_name

TTL (Time to Live)

Usually lower TTL indicates higher probability of a malicious behaviour, but this is not always the case, e.g. CDNs specified as Cloudflare keeps TTL at 300 seconds (5 minutes). erstwhile we observe TTL as low as 0-1 seconds then most likely this will come from malicious network activity e.g. DNS rebinding attack [] or malware, e.g. fast flux [] or Kelihos which utilized TTL 0 (in 2013 I wrote a Perl script [] to check .com region for possible Kelihos domains).

Example Cloudflare TTL:

$ dig +nocmd +noall +answer +ttlid a 299 IN A

Wireshark display filter: dns.resp.ttl < 30 and dns.soa.refresh_interval < 300

After whitelisting common CDNs the detection of low TTL is simply a valuable IoC (Indicator of Compromise).

Reserved IP addresses

When an external domain resolves to a reserved IP addresses, especially a private network (,, or localhost ( then it’s most likely related to a malicious behaviour.

Quoting as an example part of my blog post [] about "LAME" technique: “Historically this was a method utilized by bot masters to temporary deactivate botnets which for example were IRC based and the malware binary had a hardcoded domain. Each bot tried to reconnect in any period of time to the IRC server but erstwhile a domain started to point at localhost (IN A then each bot switched to a standby state – wasn’t able to connect as there was no local IRC service, so it kept trying to connect and querying DNS for C&C (Command and Control, C2) domain after TTL time has passed. [...] but tried connecting to localhost as long as the domain was pointing there, besides short TTL (in DNS it is time in seconds) was in use. If a botmaster needed access to the botnet then it was all about starting the C&C and then changing DNS records, each zombie was reconnecting whenever the requested domain was pointing again to the C&C IP address”.

Another example can be private network IP address with short TTL (e.g. 0-5), which most likely will be DNS rebinding attack on any local resources, specified as interior device like a router etc.

However if resolved IP address is this case should especially draw our attention as this address is special, quoting ICANN: “ is simply a peculiar IPv4 address that will appear in strategy logs alerting strategy administrators that there is possible name collision issue, enabling a fast diagnosis and remediation” []. specified resolved IP address can be a symptom of connection attempts to a sinkhole, which most likely means malware infection or DNS collision, specified as (bad)WPAD [].

Wireshark display filter: dns.a == || dns.a == || dns.a == || dns.a ==

DNS blacklisting, DNS sinkhole, IP addresses and domains reputation

Data enrichment is especially useful in verification of bad reputation of domains and IP addresses. In this case DNS queries can be compared against the blacklists of malicious hostnames. For example a good resource of phishing websites is PhishTank []. Malicious lists like PhishTank are usually aggregated and delivered by CTI (Cyber Threat Intelligence) resources. We can besides make our own blacklists for example with misspelled (typosquatting) domain names [] related to our organisation etc.

Example typosquatting which can be utilized by attackers:
  • i = l
  • l = t
  • i = t
  • d = b
  • n = m
  • rn = m
  • 24 = 42
  • rn = m
  • cl = d
  • q = g
  • cj = g
  • vv = w
  • ci = a

For blacklisted resources interior organisation name server should return the IP address of a sinkhole, to focus attention on what happened on the computer which made this DNS query, as it can be a symptom of malware infection. DNS blacklisting can even halt malware actions, so it is simply a good thought to halt specified resolution and don’t return first DNS consequence to a victim computer.

Watch out for whitelists as there are malicious techniques like domain shadowing in which attackers hijack legitimate domains. In this approach an attacker usually creates fresh subdomains which are later utilized in the attack. Even if you decided on domain whitelisting effort not to whitelist all subdomains of a domain which you trust. As an example, if you trust domain, don’t whitelist all its subdomains *, but effort to whitelist only selected subdomains specified as etc.

An example DNS sinkhole, not straight related to security, is Pi-hole [] which is simply a black gap for net advertisements.

Newly created domains

DNS queries for fresh domains might besides be an indicator to investigate, as it could be utilized by malware with DGA (Domain Generating Algorithm) or a phishing effort with typosquatting etc.

If you have access to DNS zones specified as for example Centralized region Data Service (CZDS) [] you can diff DNS zones for fresh domains and make a blacklist – performing checks this way will be much faster than utilizing WHOIS.

When doing data enrichment with WHOIS queries, responses which are hiding registrant details behind a “privacy proxy” can give you additional points to rise an alert.

$ whois
Domain Name:
Registrant Name: On behalf of OWNER
Registrant Organization: c/o
Registrant Street: 604 Cameron Street
Registrant City: Alexandria
Registrant State/Province: VA
Registrant Postal Code: 22314
Registrant Country: US
Registrant Phone: +64.48319528
Registrant telephone Ext:
Registrant Fax:
Registrant Fax Ext:
Registrant Email: 248d[...]

Name servers (NS record)

If any data enrichment process is being utilized during investigation of DNS traffic it is besides worth verifying name servers (NS records) of a domain. If a free DNS servers are utilized to host the domain, specified as FreeDNS [], then it besides increases the chance of a domain being malicious.

Another example which should rise an alert could be NS servers which hosted malicious domains in the past.


When domain resolves to IP addresses which are located in any “suspicious” countries, based on our location. It can be for example country located in a different part of the world. If an European government unit computers resolve a domain which points to IP addresses in North Korea, it most likely should rise a flag. This approach can aid detecting e.g. domain or DNS hijacking.


If a domain has an uncommon TLD specified as .onion related to TOR or .kp (North Korea), erstwhile your organisation is located in Europe and doesn’t have connections related to North Korea, this besides should trigger an alert.

Especially you should focus on fresh gTLDs specified as the 1 owned by Donuts [], which are i.a.: .management, .network, .services, .support, .business, .center, .company, .group, .computer, .systems, .technology, .engineer, .software – these TLDs can be utilized for interior domain collisions, attacks specified as badWPAD [].

Example Wireshark display filter: !( ~ ".pl$" || ~ ".arpa$" || ~ ".com$" || ~ ".net$" || ~ ".org$")

Internal domain name collisions

If your DNS suffix is e.g. Home, then you definitely should monitor for specified DNS queries due to the collisions mentioned above. Most likely your queries leak at least to root servers (* i.a. erstwhile you do single planet search in Google Chrome address bar etc.

BTW, I hope that in the future it won’t be possible to registry .home TLD...

Example Wireshark display filter: ~ "Home$"

Another filter which can aid detecting specified potential, presently not existing, domains which can lead to interior domain name collisions:

Wireshark display filter: dns.flags.rcode == 3 && dns.count.auth_rr == 1 && !(dns.qry.type == 12)

Round-robin DNS

Round-robin DNS is simply a method utilized for burden balancing where domains resolve to multiple IP addresses. This detection could trigger alert if there are e.g. 5+ IP address resolved and location (GeoIP) or ASN is very different between resolved IPs. For example (not a real one, just demonstrating how it could look):

$ for ip in $(host -t a | awk '{print $4}');do printf "$ip " && geoiplookup $ip | grep ASN;done GeoIP ASNum Edition: AS15169 Google LLC GeoIP ASNum Edition: AS15169 Google LLC GeoIP ASNum Edition: AS131279 Ryugyong-dong GeoIP ASNum Edition: AS15169 Google LLC GeoIP ASNum Edition: AS15169 Google LLC GeoIP ASNum Edition: AS15169 Google LLC GeoIP ASNum Edition: AS15169 Google LLC

CDNs can possibly make false positives, so it can be whitelisted, nevertheless attackers can besides usage specified whitelisted CDNs in their attack scenario… threat hunting is simply a never ending story. usually CDNs return IPs from the same (sometimes a few) ASN/CIDR as they uses GeoDNS with short TTL.

Another point to trigger an alert and focus attention can be if any of the resolved IP addresses is on a malicious blacklist taken from CTI.

Example Wireshark display filter: dns.count.answers > 10

Same resolve

Could be an indicator of malicious behaviour if numerous different DNS queries resolve to the same resource, specified as IP address (A, AAAA). delight keep in head that this can besides be a false affirmative for CDN and another burden balancing solutions etc.

In the following examples these are legitimate DNS requests:

Number of DNS requests

If a single host is making unreasonable number of DNS queries, it could be DNS tunneling (such as dnscat2 []), communication with a C&C server [] or data exfiltration, as an example delight check case [].

Diagrams like the 1 above can besides be utilized to detect beaconing activity of malware (malware beaconing), specified as DGA.

Time of request

For example detecting DNS queries which are made after working hours. This method is known to make false affirmative results as even computers which are not utilized by employees straight for work but inactive turned-on will make quite a few DNS queries for e.g. software updates, feed updates etc. nevertheless over time we can whitelist known-good domains which are being requested after working hours, like Microsoft update etc.

Errors in consequence

As an indicator we can usage requests which return errors specified as NXDOMAIN (Non-Existent Domain). This activity can be related to DGA utilized by malware trying to connect with a C&C. If previously utilized by C&C domain will be taken down, after any period of time malware is generating a different C&C address to which it should connect (good reason for sinkholing). A malicious actor knows this algorithm and is able to setup (buy) specified DGA-generated domains in the future, even long time after the first infection. This is the reason why DNS errors can be interesting artifacts made by malware DGA trying connect to C&C address. delight besides keep in head that DGA requests usually have the same dimension even for different malware binaries coming from the same malware-family.

Wireshark display filter: dns.flags.rcode == 3 for NXDOMAIN or just all errors dns.flags.rcode > 0

Other DNS servers

Typical organisation is usually resolving DNS names utilizing DNS servers provided by a single company like Google, Cloudflare, ISP or just their own servers (and then uses DNS forwarders). It’s worth to take a better look at machines in the network that resolve DNS utilizing different addresses than whatever is simply a default configuration in the organisation as these machines might be infected with malicious software.

Example Wireshark display filter: dns && !(ip.dst == || ip.dst == || ip.dst ==

Bypassing DNS firewall with payload via DNS over HTTPS

I already described this method in a separate blog post about DNS over HTTPS []. DoH with domain fronting can lead to trivial DNS firewall bypasses:

$ curl -v -H 'Host:' "`cat /dev/urandom | tr -dc 'a-zA-Z0-9' | fold -w 32 | head -n 1`"

* Trying
* Connected to ( port 443 (#0)
* ALPN, offering h2
* ALPN, offering http/1.1
* successfully set certificate verify locations:
* CAfile: /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt
CApath: /etc/ssl/certs
* TLSv1.2 (OUT), TLS handshake, Client hello (1):
* TLSv1.2 (IN), TLS handshake, Server hello (2):
* TLSv1.2 (IN), TLS handshake, Certificate (11):
* TLSv1.2 (IN), TLS handshake, Server key exchange (12):
* TLSv1.2 (IN), TLS handshake, Server finished (14):
* TLSv1.2 (OUT), TLS handshake, Client key exchange (16):
* TLSv1.2 (OUT), TLS change cipher, Client hello (1):
* TLSv1.2 (OUT), TLS handshake, Finished (20):
* TLSv1.2 (IN), TLS handshake, Finished (20):
* SSL connection utilizing TLSv1.2 / ECDHE-ECDSA-CHACHA20-POLY1305
* ALPN, server accepted to usage h2
* Server certificate:
* subject: C=US; ST=California; L=Mountain View; O=Google LLC; CN=*
* start date: May 7 11:29:56 2019 GMT
* expire date: Jul 30 10:54:00 2019 GMT
* subjectAltName: host "" matched cert's ""
* issuer: C=US; O=Google Trust Services; CN=Google net Authority G3
* SSL certificate verify ok.
* utilizing HTTP2, server supports multi-use
* Connection state changed (HTTP/2 confirmed)
* Copying HTTP/2 data in stream buffer to connection buffer after upgrade: len=0
* utilizing Stream ID: 1 (easy handle 0x7fffc18dd8e0)
> GET /resolve? HTTP/2
> Host:
> User-Agent: curl/7.58.0
> Accept: */*
* Connection state changed (MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS updated)!
< HTTP/2 200
< strict-transport-security: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains; preload
< access-control-allow-origin: *
< date: Sat, 25 May 2019 00:11:49 GMT
< expires: Sat, 25 May 2019 00:11:49 GMT
< cache-control: private, max-age=299
< content-type: application/x-javascript; charset=UTF-8
< server: HTTP server (unknown)
< x-xss-protection: 0
< x-frame-options: SAMEORIGIN
< alt-svc: quic=":443"; ma=2592000; v="46,44,43,39"
< accept-ranges: none
< vary: Accept-Encoding
* Connection #0 to host left intact
{"Status": 0,"TC": false,"RD": true,"RA": true,"AD": false,"CD": false,"Question":[ {"name": "","type": 1}],"Answer":[ {"name": "","type": 5,"TTL": 299,"data": ""},{"name": "","type": 1,"TTL": 299,"data": ""}],"Comment": "Response from"}

Formatted response:

"Comment":"Response from"

In specified DNS query user private data could be exfiltrated e.g. browser past like in case [], as well as it could be utilized to communicate with C&C servers etc.

Network communication for DNS over HTTPS with domain fronting in Wireshark might look like on the image below:

It looks like average HTTPS communication to Google where we can see not encrypted Server Name value with Wireshark display filter tls.handshake.extensions_server_name which is in this example just Main problem is that it’s not which could easy lead to detecting specified activity as this is the domain of Google DNS over HTTPS service [], but the only DNS query which will be there is for (no due to domain fronting).

Bypassing DNS firewall with payload in IPv6 records

This is my simple thought and PoC (Proof-of-Concept), demonstrating how easy DNS firewall can be bypassed. Communication with C&C (C2) utilizing AAAA (IPv6) DNS evidence can be done as following:

$ host has IPv6 address 7265:6474:6561:6d2e:706c:2065:6c65:6574

$ host | awk '{print $5}'

$ host | awk '{print $5}' | xxd -r -p eleet

It is just a simple conversion between hex and ASCII. This IPv6 (AAAA) is simply a valid address and can be verified for example with PHP CLI one-liner:

$ host | awk '{print $5}' | php -R 'echo filter_var($argn, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP, FILTER_FLAG_IPV6).PHP_EOL;'

If there is simply a request to transfer a larger payload then the approach can be akin to the 1 already described in 1 of the erstwhile blog posts []. In short utilizing round-robin DNS with a payload encoded in AAAA records and something like: 2 first chars as a line number (order in round-robin DNS is random for burden balancing), next 14 chars for content like payload, due to the fact that in AAAA evidence you can encode 16 chars. delight besides note that for modern systems it is average to do both, IPv4 (A) and IPv6 (AAAA) DNS queries.

Bypass DNS firewall by communication with trusted domain

For example it could be a C&C created on Twitter etc [].

Another example there is domain shadowing (hybrid attack) in which attackers break into a registrar or DNS hosting accounts etc.

Bypass DNS firewall by communication without DNS queries

Yes, this is the most effective way to bypass DNS firewalls – just communicate without DNS queries, straight via an IP address. In targeted attacks no 1 will hazard detection due to any fresh and/or uncategorized domain etc.


In any cases DNS based threat hunting can inactive be a powerful approach, as it is with AV software – it always adds an additional layer of protection but almost never it will work against a well prepared targeted attack utilizing customized payloads etc.

The most crucial thing is to have skilled threat hunters, who have cognition in both – blue teaming and red teaming, as this cognition is on top of The Pyramid of Pain []. It is hard to detect adversaries if a blue teamer doesn’t have the cognition about today's attacks. Blue teamers needs to think like an attacker if they want to effectively defend the organisation against them, not just against low skilled attackers specified as script kiddies.

To show how crucial are these mixed skills I will quote Ryan Kovar, chief safety Strategist at Splunk [], who commented on my article “DNS based threat hunting and DoH (DNS over HTTPS)” []: “As individual who has been advocating the detection of malicious activities via DNS for many years, I was dismayed erstwhile I found out about malicious usage of DNS over HTTPS (DoH). This is simply a large method primer for blue teamers to learn the ins and outs of DoH and how red teamers/adversaries can usage it to bypass just about all single defence we have. I spent any time after this paper trying to whiteboard how to detect DoH consistently... and I'm not gonna lie, it's going to be hard”.

Examples presented in this blog post can be utilized the same way as SPAM detection engines – calculating scores which indicate the anticipation of malicious communication to avoid many false positives. For example: if entropy is above a certain value, erstwhile a domain is longer than average, WHOIS returns any hidden records etc – then add a points and at the end sum it all so you can prioritize cases with highest scores that are most likely malicious communications. To do it you don’t request any AI, ML, blockchain, unicorns or gummiberry juice – it can be as simple as that and besides detection level will be akin or even better. Remember that DNS based detection is just another additional layer, nothing else, not any silver bullet for attack detection – besides don’t believe in everything DNS firewall advertisements claim, buying an overpriced DNS firewall solution is the triumph of form over substance.

Please note that these are just examples and there are also possible implementations of hundreds of specified ideas. Mentioned techniques and examples specified as Wireshark display filters should be besides circumstantial for an organisation, as there is no general approach for everything and it always depends on many aspects.

Additional resources

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