Tomasz Konieczny: Wszystko jako kod - dystrybucja testowa z K8s i Testkube (open source) 2 miesięcy temu

Quality Pipelines providing instant and complete feedback are crucial for modern products - that's how to always be up to date with the current product quality state. A diverse set of automated tests can detect possible issues, validate critical functionalities, and, in the end, build assurance in the product's quality. But that's besides what can rapidly make Quality Pipelines complex and complicated. All of these different test types request to be implemented and then maintained. And what about execution infrastructure? Creating it from scratch can even become more time-consuming than actual test implementation!

That's where Testkube comes in. It's an open-source tool that simplifies the distribution of the tests to Kubernetes clusters. It offers a unified approach to test orchestration and execution, abstracting distant various investigating frameworks and tools. By utilizing Kubernetes-native customized Resource Definitions (CRDs), Testkube can leverage the scalability and reliability of Kubernetes for test-specific purposes. Additionally, Testkube CRDs enable the management of all investigating resources in a GitOps manner.

During the talk, you will learn how to set up Testkube and configure various test types (examples for Cypress, Postman, and K6) to build an efficient quality pipeline. Additionally, you will hear a bit about investigating a investigating tool! Can you believe that Testkube is actually utilized for investigating itself?

DevOpsDays Warsaw: