Towards a multi-purpose behavioral model 2 lat temu

In various subfields of AI research, there is simply a tendency to make models which can service many different tasks with minimal fine-tuning effort. Stanford researchers introduced the concept of foundation models, which are trained on massive datasets and can be adapted to different downstream applications. We may think this way about transformer-based models like BERT or GPT. They are pre-trained on immense datasets with a language modeling nonsubjective and can be fine-tuned for various NLP tasks specified as text classification, series labeling, or translation. Also, in the field of vision, large models trained on large sets of data in the image designation task are fine-tuned on smaller domain-specific datasets like medical image classification.

The thought behind foundation model pre-training is to extract cognition and make robust representations that can be re-used in different tasks. However, it requires models with a large number of parameters. The ResNet model (image classification) has 11 million parameters, BERT-base has 110 million parameters, and GPT-3 as many as  135 billion trainable parameters. Also, the pre-training procedure requires large-scale datasets: ImageNet - 1.82 million images and 1000 classes; BooksCorpus - 800 million and English Wikipedia - 2,5 billion words (BERT pre-training), and the tremendous set of 300 billion words sampled from 5 different datasets (Common Crawl, Web Text2, Books1, Books2, Wikipedia) utilized to train GPT-3. All of this translates into a considerable amount of computational power needed to pre-train models. We end up with massive foundation models which only a fewer of the biggest investigation labs can contribute to and not everyone can usage in real-life applications.

With the emergence of foundation models in NLP and vision, a question arises about the future of our investigation area: recommender systems. Can we anticipate to find a single representation or model serving different purposes here? In fact, we perceive recommendations as a part of a broader area which we call behavioral modeling. Behavioral modeling can be thought of an umbrella word for many interconnected tasks like recommendations, churn prediction, propensity scoring, link prediction in graphs, and many others. All of these tasks entail the automated survey of human decision-making. Taking into consideration the success of universal representations in NLP and vision, together with the complexity of behavioral modeling, we fishy that a universal multi-purpose model is peculiarly fitted for this domain. The areas of behavioral modeling are highly numerous, thus the creation of multiple, large and varied per-task models is infeasible both from a business and environmental perspective.

Towards a universal behavioral model

A universal behavioral model should fulfill the base criteria of the large multimodal foundational models:

  • It should be able to process multiple modalities, specified as text, image and possibly various interaction types, especially crucial for behavioral modeling;
  • It should be applicable to many tasks (with separate training or fine-tuning).

With real-life usage cases in mind, we could go even further to address the known shortcomings of the large foundational models. Thus, our universal behavioral model could:

  • Be small: only a fewer hundred/thousand parameters or not be a neural network at all;
  • Be fast: in connection with the tiny size, it could rapidly train and let for semi-instant inference;
  • Not require immense amounts of data to produce meaningful representations;
  • It could even be purely unsupervised, focusing only on producing universally useful features, which could then be fed to simple and efficient downstream models for large results.

Thus, we have set our goal as follows: to make a universal behavioral model, which could service all the above purposes.

Cleora & EMDE as a universal behavioral model

A natural setting for the representation of human decisions in time and space are graphs: sets of interconnected nodes. Nodes can represent various entities, specified as humans in a social network, or items and customers in a store. The edges represent different relations between them, specified as relationship or the fact that a individual bought an item in the past.

Thus, graph modeling is of top importance in behavioral modeling. We approached this problem with Cleora – our node embedder. The algorithm is based on the iterative multiplication of the Markov transition matrix and the embedding matrix. As a result, nodes with akin neighborhoods have akin embeddings. Node representations created this way are task-independent, so can be applied in many different solutions. What is more, the algorithm is fast and scalable, which makes it applicable to large graphs. You can learn more about Cleora here: Cleora AI framework for ultra-fast embeddings in large graphs.

Behavioral modeling requires more complex representations that go beyond relational information embedded in graphs. For example in recommendations, in order to observe any traits in user behavior, we request to aggregate the information about user past purchases, but besides make rich representations of objects that the user has viewed. To do so we must incorporate information from different modalities specified as image or text. Our second model, the Efficient Manifold Density Estimator (EMDE) addresses this need. EMDE uses a density-aware manifold partitioning method in order to make meaningful manifold regions. Each region holds samples which are akin according to the distance metric expressed within the embedding space which spans the manifold (e.g. produced by Cleora). The resulting region assignment vectors (sketches) can be generated from different types of input and concatenated to service as an input to a model that will be trained for a given task.

EMDE can be thought of as an unsupervised super-embedder which translates and compresses all modality-specific embeddings to the same kind of representation – the sketch. The sketches are sparse by design. Moreover, they let for easy aggregation of multiple events/items/behaviors in 1 sketch. specified aggregate sketches can be thought of as histograms representing the occurrence rate of various events.

In the next sections, we show that these algorithms make universally useful representations. They can be re-used in many tasks with highly simple downstream models to accomplish state-of-the-art or close state-of-the-art results.

Universal behavioral modeling framework

To verify the usefulness of our approach, we participated in respective large-scale competitions which spanned a set of seemingly distant problem areas. Each area had its own champions, models which are designed for and known to excel in their respective areas. We, however, approached the competitions with a universally akin setting:

  1. Whenever needed, we produced graph embeddings for input data with our graph embedder, Cleora. Graph embeddings are a reasonably versatile approach as many input modalities can be embedded this way: transactional data, social network data, textual data, and any another data kind which involves sets of linked entities.
  2. With EMDE, we produced multimodal input features based on local similarity of input embeddings. Sketches generated by EMDE are especially amenable to aggregation, so representing sets of behaviors (e.g. multiple purchases or site visits across time) proved very convenient.
  3. We applied an highly simple model to ingest EMDE features and produce the mark response. We usually utilized shallow feed-forward neural networks of 3-4 layers.
  4. Optional additional numeric features were besides submitted to the model (not produced by another device learning models).

We took part in the following competitions:

  • KDD Cup 2021
  • Twitter RecSys Challenge 2021
  • WSDM Challenge 2021
  • SIGIR Rakuten Challenge 2020

With the aim to test and validate our solution robustness and its ability to execute in various tasks. Our hardware dedicated to competition models was average at best, and our models were not extensively fine-tuned. For each competition, we utilized a beautiful standard set of parameters which usually worked well in the past. We let go of the competitive urge to fight for all decimal point in the final consequence score.

The Competitions

WSDM Challenge

Task: Sequential advice of Next Travel Destination

Our Result: 2nd Place

Our Solution: Modeling Multi-Destination Trips with Sketch-Based Model

Recurrent Networks were the top choice in this competition: clearly the notion of city ordering was deemed crucial by the participants. All top solutions included RNNs, additionally the top entry by NVIDIA included a Transformer. This peculiar solution was very elaborate and task-specific.

The striking consequence in this competition was that EMDE does not naturally represent ordering in sequences. It can model ordering only in a very simple way by weighting more fresh items or utilizing an extra sketch of fresh items. Therefore, we did not have advanced expectations from this competition initially, as we besides assumed that the RNN-based solutions might have an edge due to the importance of sequentiality.

However, the success of EMDE seems to support our erstwhile findings regarding session-based recommendations (An efficient manifold density estimator for all advice systems Section 4.1.1): the sequential aspect seems to be outweighed by the accuracy with which EMDE represents the probability density of user preference space.

KDD Cup: Open Graph Benchmark Large-Scale Challenge

Task: Subject area prediction of papers in large-scale academic graph. Classify nodes in a large graph with many types of nodes and relations present.

Our Result: 3rd Place

Our Solution: Node Classification in Massive Heterogeneous Graphs

Top performers:

  • Baidu: UniMP architecture combined with the best baseline solution — Relational Graph Attention Networks
  • DeepMind: Message Passing Neural Networks with self-supervised learning technique

Graph Neural Networks were predominant in the competition. However, they required the additional effort to make the models scalable to large graphs. For example, the DeepMind squad utilized different subsampling procedures to make smaller graph patches and facilitate model performance. Cleora and EMDE architectures are scalable by design, so can be utilized on large graphs without employing additional methods. Worth noticing is that our model inference takes 7 minutes (1x Tesla V100 16 GB GPU and Intel Xeon CPU ES-2690 v4 @ 2.60 GHz), while DeepMind’s model inference takes 12 hours on 4x NVIDIA V100 16GB GPU and 1x Intel Xeon Gold 6148 20-core CPU.

This task demonstrates that with the usage of Cleora and EMDE we could implicitly accomplish a akin method to the competitors – the label/feature propagation in a graph neural network. We achieved this by simply initializing Cleora vectors to one-hot encoded vectors, with the value 1 denoting the current label.

RecSys Twitter Challenge

Task: close Real-Time advice of Tweets. foretell whether a given user will like a tweet, given tweet text, features of tweet author and recipient, tweet hashtags, and many another features.

Our Result: 2nd Place

Our Solution: Twitter User Engagement Prediction with a Fast Neural Model

Top performers:

  • NVIDIA: extended feature engineering with a simple XGBoost model. Many features are created and tested. circumstantial simple, non-neural encoding methods specified as the mark Encoding method were discovered by them to be effective in feature representation.
  • Layer6 – Deep Language Models (Transformers) utilized for elaborate processing of tweet text, combined with many hand-crafted models.

Of all the competitions, this 1 had 1 competitor (NVIDIA) which was very close to EMDE in terms of paradigms and model structure. Both NVIDIA’s solution and our EMDE-based model active elaborate feature engineering combined with a simple model. As usual, EMDE moved the heavy-lifting part of the computation process into the feature creation.

SIGIR Rakuten Challenge

Task: Cross-Modal Retrieval. Given the titles and descriptions of products, foretell their matching images.

Our Result: 1st Place

Our Solution: Efficient Manifold Density Estimator for Cross-Modal Retrieval

Top performers:

  • Purdue University and Rakuten: Deep Multimodal Fusion with road Networks and tensor fusion
  • Ping An Technology: Deep Multimodal Fusion at multiple levels with various approaches, specified as attention and shallow network classifiers

In this competition EMDE allowed us to reconciliate non-matching modalities (text and images) with the universal sketch representation. With both title/description and image embeddings encoded into sketches, we were able to easy train a simple feed-forward network comparing the representations (effectively comparing 2 histogram-like structures). This allowed to beat elaborate multimodal neural models.

Why does EMDE lead to a universal behavioral model?

Why does this combination of EMDE with a simple neural network work so well compared to many very complex neural architectures? The answer is yet to be studied to know for sure. However, we have come up with a fewer ideas:

  • EMDE makes training easier. A large part of the work each model needs to execute lies in inferring the similarity relations encoded in input embeddings. These relations are encoded in a unique way for each embedding method and might be hard to learn. However, EMDE translates local similarity of inputs into a clear and easy-to-process representation, which liquidates this first hurdle.

EMDE is simply a very good probability density estimator (see Section 4.2 in An efficient manifold density estimator for all advice systems). Probability density estimation may be a fundamental problem in many areas, especially erstwhile multiple events are encoded across time and/or space. Think about heat maps of travel routes, which represent the frequency with which certain places are visited by travelers.

New York Taxi Data – Heat Map of Most Popular Exit Places

This problem straight corresponds to user preference spaces in a buying scenario, among many others. Both geographic location data understood as a 2D space and multidimensional behavioral data can be modeled in terms of complex probability densities with many peaks and valleys. These landscapes represent the problem of varied occurrence rates of events or strength of interests. However, direct density estimation is not performed by any another advice model that we know of.

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