Efficient integer pair hashing

sair.synerise.com 2 lat temu

In data science, we sometimes request to calculate hash functions of unsigned 32-bit integer tuples. This request can arise in simple usage cases specified as efficient pairs counting, but besides in approximate data structures which require fast hashing. specified data structures supply a tradeoff between accuracy and speed/memory storage: they produce an approximation of the correct answer, where 100% accuracy is sacrificed for the sake of efficiency. 1 example is simply a Bloom filter which is simply a space-efficient data structure solving the approximate set membership problem (testing whether an component is simply a associate of a set). The Bloom filter is simply a bit array with multiple hash functions that map elements from the set to the positions in the array. If at least 1 of the positions to which an component is mapped is empty, we can be certain that that component is not contained in the set. However, erstwhile all the positions are occupied, we can only say that an component is in the set with certain probability. This probability depends on the number of hash functions and the number of bits in the array. Bloom filters have many applications specified as weak password detection, Bitcoin wallet synchronization, or cyber security. In recommendations, we may usage a Bloom filter to remove the items from the recommender strategy results based on predefined conditions. For example, average uses bloom filters to remove already seen posts from the posts recommended to users.

Bloom filter (source)

Yet another approximate data structure is simply a “count sketch” which is utilized to estimation the number of items in a stream. If a Bloom filter is an approximate “set”, the number sketch can be thought of as an approximate “counting dictionary”. It is based on a household of pairwise-independent hash functions, which are utilized to map items to sketch buckets and store a number of items assigned to each bucket. Based on this we may then estimation the number of occurrences of a given item. This is simply a kind of dimensionality simplification where we have a fixed-size space-efficient structure alternatively of storing the number for each item explicitly. However, it comes as a tradeoff for possibly little accurate results. number sketches are useful for fast computation in large-scale data analysis. In recommendations, we may usage this structure to find popular products – the product page with the highest hit rate.

Count Sketch (source)

Usually, to hash a set of integer tuples 1 would most likely start with any standard hash function just to realize how inefficient it is and look for a more performant implementations. In this post we show how to combine 2 awesome tricks to calculate a very fast unsigned integer tuple hash in pure Numpy, utilizing vectorized operations.

But first, we request to introduce the thought of a pairing function. Pairing functions are utilized to delegate a single unique integer to a pair of non-negative integers. This means that each pair can be mapped to a single integer and there are no 2 pairs for which function have the same value. If we think of an integer pair as point coordinates in 2-d space, the pairing function finds 1 coordinate uniquely for each point.

One example of specified function is Cantor’s pairing:


If we visualize it, we can see that this function assigns consecutive numbers to points along diagonals:


This is simply a alternatively simple example, with sub-optimal packing efficiency. If we consider all 100 possible combinations of pairs of numbers from 0 to 9 Cantor’s pairing needs the first 200 numbers to hash them, as CantorPair(9, 9) value is 200. A more efficient example is Szudzik’s pairing:


In this case, consecutive numbers are assigned to the points along the edges of a square:


With Szudziks's pairing, we get maximum packing efficiency, as the value of SzudzikPair(9, 9) is 99. Performance-wise both functions are similar, with Szudzik’s pair function having a tiny advantage over Cantor’s.

Here is simply a Python code example with Szudzik’s pair function implementation utilizing Numpy:

import numpy as np def szudzik_encode(a, b): mask = a >= b mark = np.zeros_like(a, dtype=np.uint64) target[mask] = a[mask] * a[mask] + a[mask] + b[mask] target[~mask] = a[~mask] + b[~mask] * b[~mask] return target

We compared Szudzik’s pairing with the Python native hash function. As default hashing in Python does not work on Numpy arrays or lists, we request to convert the arrays to tuples:

def naive_hash_pairs(target): return np.array([hash(tuple(x)) for x in target])

We generated 10 000 000 pairs of integers from 0 to 2^32-1 and measured the time it takes to make hash codes for all these pairs:

targets = np.random.randint(0, 2 ** 32 - 1, size=(10_000_000,2), dtype=np.uint32) start = datetime.now() naive_hash_pairs(targets) print(f"Naive hash function: {datetime.now()-start}") start = datetime.now() szudzik_encode(targets[:, 0], targets[:, 1]) print(f"Szudzik's pair function: {datetime.now()-start}")Naive hash function: 0:00:17.074799
Szudzik's pair function: 0:00:00.826489

The results show that Szudzik’s pair function is around 20 times faster than default Python hashing, which already is simply a large improvement.

As mentioned before, in the case of Bloom filters or number sketches, we request multiple hash functions. Since Szudzik’s pairing returns uint64 numbers, to fulfill this request we can usage a appropriate hash function which accepts a seed parameter, e.g. xxhash64. Most hashing functions don't take natural ints/uints - they take bytes, so first, we request to pack the uints into byte arrays. Also, to compare it with naive solution, we treat the seed as an additional 3rd component of a tuple, as Python native hash function does not let a seed parameter.

def naive_hash_pairs_seeded(target, seed): return np.array([hash(tuple(x+seed)) for x in target]) def fast_hash(target, seed): return xxhash.xxh64(struct.pack('<Q', target), seed=seed).intdigest()targets = np.random.randint(0, 2 ** 32 - 1, size=(10_000_000,2), dtype=np.uint32) start = datetime.now() naive_hash_pairs_seeded(targets, 52) print(f"Naive hash function seeded: {datetime.now()-start}") start = datetime.now() target = szudzik_encode(x, y) np.array([fast_hash(x, seed=52) for x in target]) print(f"Szudzik's pair function + xxhash: {datetime.now()-start}")Naive hash function seeded: 0:00:36.409257
Szudzik's pair function + xxhash: 0:00:14.948537

We can see that adding xxhash increased processing time significantly. It is better than the naive Python version, but inactive very slow.
Let's effort any bitwise hashing magic instead. We usage Splitmix64 algorithm, which is pseudo random number generator. To explain what pseudo-random numbers are, we must first realize that randomness is not a feature of a single number but alternatively of a series of numbers. It means that series elements cannot be reasonably predicted, as they are generated in an indeterministic way. Pseudo-random numbers generator can produce a series of numbers that approximates a random number sequence. They have many statistical features associated with random sequences but are produced by a deterministic process. This means that a pseudo-random number generator with a given first state, a seed, will always make the same sequence. specified generators are utilized in many applications, from cryptography to gambling. In AI we frequently usage random numbers to initialize ML model weights or shuffle training data. That is besides where the deterministic nature of pseudo-randomness comes in useful as setting a circumstantial seed enables results reproducibility.

Splitmix64 is simply a pseudo-random number generator, which uses a simple yet very fast algorithm. It keeps 64 bits of state and performs a bit-wise operation to return 64 bits random data. First, the state is multiplied by a seed value. Next, the state is xor-ed with the state right bit shifted by a specified number of positions. Finally, it is multiplied by a constant. This operation is repeated with a different number of positions to be shifted.

Here we supply a code example of Splitmix64 implementation in Python:

def splitmix64(target, seed): out = target.copy() SP_STEP = np.uint64(0x9E3779B97F4A7C15) out = (out + np.uint64(seed) * SP_STEP) out ^= out >> 30 out *= np.uint64(0xBF58476D1CE4E5B9) out ^= out >> 27 out *= np.uint64(0x94D049BB133111EB) out ^= out >> 31 return out targets = np.random.randint(0, 2 ** 32 - 1, size=(10_000_000,2), dtype=np.uint32) start = datetime.now() target = szudzik_encode(targets[:, 0], [:, 1]) splitmix64(target, seed=52) print(f"Szudzik's pair function + Splitmix64: {datetime.now()-start}") Szudzik's pair function + Splitmix64: 0:00:00.999224

Solution utilizing Splitmix64 algorithm is around 15 times faster than the example with xxhash and the time of computation is clearly dominated by Szudzik's pairing. What if we discard mathematical elegance and generality for a while.. and just approach the problem from a low-level perspective?

Let's do any more bitwise operations:

def bitwise_encode(a, b): return (a.astype(np.uint64) << 32) + (b.astype(np.uint64))targets = np.random.randint(0, 2 ** 32 - 1, size=(10_000_000,2), dtype=np.uint32) start = datetime.now() target = bitwise_encode(targets[:, 0], targets[:, 1]) splitmix64(target, seed=52) print(f"Bitwise encoding + Splitmix64: {datetime.now()-start}") start = datetime.now() bitwise_encode(targets[:, 0], targets[:, 1]) print(f"Bitwise encoding: {datetime.now()-start}")Bitwise encoding: 0:00:00.084675
Bitwise encoding + Splitmix64: 0:00:00.244800

Using bitwise encoding we ended up with super fast solution. Szudzik's Pairing has any another large properties, e.g. keeping the outputs tiny if the inputs are small, while bitwise coding will always return immense numbers (2^32 or larger). But having this in head we are now able to choose efficient pair hashing algorithm best suited for our needs.

We utilize these methods in our graph embedding algorithm Cleora. Cleora operates on graphs consisting of nodes which represent any real-life entities and edges that represent relations between them. To usage information stored in the graph for any device learning applications, we request to make vector representations for graph nodes. A detailed description of the algorithm can be found in this post. Here, we will mention the first step – co-occurrence matrix creation. To make node embeddings, we first request to store, in a numerical matrix, information about edges between all pairs of nodes. This kind of representation is usually sparse as only any of the nodes are connected with an edge. To increase algorithm efficiency, we keep only coordinates and values of node pairs that are connected with at least 1 edge. Coordinates are hashed utilizing Szudzik’s pairing and the values for each pair of nodes are efficiently stored for fast retrieval.

These 2 enhancements to standard hash functions are easy to implement utilizing Numpy and at the same time can drastically improve performance. We are happy to share our tricks and hope it will inspire you to look beyond the apparent paths as the reward can be very satisfying.

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