KW-46 secured fleet broadcast over S-4285 in ISB mode (Humpty Doo, MHFCS) 1 rok temu

Interesting fleet broadcast from the MHFCS (Modernised advanced Frequency Communications System) site in Humpty Doo, Northern territory - Australia. The transmissions usage STANAG-4285 600bps/L in ISB mode and are audible on 11145.0 KHz (Figure 1).

Fig. 1

Bitstream of the LSB channel (Figure 2) is simply a "classic" broadcast which is encrypted utilizing KW-46 (or compatible) cipher device given the presence of the m-sequence generated by the polinomyal x^31 + x^3 +1 (KW-46T uses that M-sequences to synch the KW-46R receive devices).

Fig. 2 - bitstream of the LSB channel

The bitstream of the USB channel is more interesting since it consists of 12-bit strings where all the bits have the same logical value, likely originated by the GA-205 12-channel time division multiplexer: I already met specified signal any years ago [1] but that time from the "Naval Communication Station Harold E. Holt" (NCS HEH) 6 km north of Exmouth. USB channel besides transports a KW-46 secured traffic: as shown in Figure 3, I filtered out 11 channels and reshaped a single "column" into a 7-bit pattern then I successfully checked the presence of the x^31 + x^3 +1 m-sequence.

Fig. 3 - bitstream of the USB channel

As said, in this case the transmission is origin by a Tx located in Humpty Doo, Northern territory Australia.

Fig. 4 - DirectionFinding results (TDoA algorithm)


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