O 32-bitowym protokole unid używanym w transferach S-4538 + MS-110A

i56578-swl.blogspot.com 7 miesięcy temu

This is the 3rd time I have encountered these transmissions [1] and, given the good number of recordings made over a fewer days on the frequency 6964.5 KHz/USB, it is now possible to draw a more definitive "picture".

Transmissions usually happen each 5 minutes and last 1.5 - 2 minutes average. STANAG-4538 (3G-HF) "circuit mode service" is used, where MS-110A (usually in 75bps/Long Interleaver mode) is the utilized traffic waveform; sometimes a transmission may consist of 2 or more distinct data transfer sessions (Figure 1).

Links are established utilizing the FLSU (Fast Link SetUp) Asynchronous scanning call, utilizing BW5 and an "optimized" waveform which provides no repetition of the first TLC section (used for transmitter level control and receiver AGC settling). specified a scanning call is precisely described in paragraph C. of MIL 188-141B Appendix C: "The LE_Scanning_Call PDU shall be sent repeatedly to capture scanning receivers [...] During a scanning call, only the first LE_Scanning_Call PDU shall include TLC. All succeeding LE_Scanning_Call PDUs and the LE_Call PDU shall omit TLC, and include only the BW0 preamble and data portions" (1)(2). So, we look at a STANAG-4538 FLSU Async call (since the usage of BW5 waveform) which is 188-141B compliant for what regards its formation (since the omission of the TLC sections): ie, a kind of 188-141B/STANAG-4538 mixed implementation most likely implemented by L3Harris [2][3]. That "formation" of the Async call clarifies why decoders admit only the "first" BW5 PDU.

Fig. 1

Looking at the asynchronous scan calls, at first glance it seems that Linking Protection (LP) is not used: in fact, as you can see, the decoded strings are identical. This should not happen since erstwhile operating in encrypt mode, the LP algorithm takes as inputs the PDU to be scrambled, a key variable, and a “seed” that contains Time of Day (TOD) and the frequency that carries the protected transmission.

2024-08-21T09_54_32Z BW-5 00111001010000100011011001001010011110001000011010
2024-08-21T09_56_17Z BW-5 00111001010000100011011001001010011110001000011010
2024-08-21T10_01_54Z BW-5 00111001010000100011011001001010011110001000011010

2024-08-22T07_46_52Z BW-5 00010110100000110011111110111010101110111100000110
2024-08-22T07_51_52Z BW-5 00010110100000110011111110111010101110111100000110

Anyway, it's to note that erstwhile the protection against spoofing offered by LP is not required, LP may be utilized without a key variable or seed to supply only scrambling based on the network number as described in STANAG-4538 4.1.2 (in this regard, note that the scanning calls of 2024-08-22, for example, do not have the expected value "001" in the first 3 bits).

The analysis of the MS-110A decoded bitstreams show first 100 bytes dimension headers which have any parts common to all the bitstreams, the header "format" is more evident after the removal of the first "10"s series (Figures 2,3).

Fig. 2

Fig. 3

In my opinion, headers are made up of the following structure (Figure 4):

1) common first sequence

1100000100011100101001 (maybe 001100000100011100101001, 0x0CE294)

2) common 193 bits dimension "01"s sequence, (phasing?). Boundaries are marked by 2 consecutive logical "1"

3) common 160 bits / 20 bytes dimension series (sync series for the receive crypto device?)


4) 256 bits / 32 bytes dimension series which is different in all bitstream (Initialization Vector?)

5) common 5×32 bits / 4 bytes repeated series (frame sync?). Note that the series can't be an Initialization Vector since it's always the same in all bitstream.


Also note that the 4 bytes repeated series is utilized in the first 4 bytes of the 160 bits sequence.

Fig. 4 - the common blocks in the headers of the bitstreams

According to the results of the "Shannon Entropy" and "Statistical" tests, the ansferred data are most most likely encrypted (Figure 5).
The measurement of the Shannon Entropy can be used, in a broad sense, to detect whether data is likely to be structured or unstructured. 8 is the maximum, representing highly unstructured, 'random' data. decently encrypted or compressed data should have an entropy of over 7.5 The statistical test below determines the randomness, the number of single bits in the stream is counted, then the double bits, then the triple bits and so on to the end. The consequence is simply a graph: if the information is not systematic, the adjacent columns should be half the size of the erstwhile ones. Both the test shows good encryption quality.

Fig. 5 - Shannon Entropy and Statistical tests on the data portions

The transmissions are reasonably receivable only in the northern regions of Europe, likely a low power transmitter is utilized or a local/domestic area shall be served. Just about the site of the transmitter, all my direction uncovering attempts point to a rather large area in Norway (Figure 6): possibly a Royal Norwegian Navy Tx? Anyway, it's to announcement that the DF results "suffer" from the deficiency of detection points west of Norway.

Fig. 6 - Direction uncovering attempts (TDoA algorithm)

Monitoring & recordings thanks to the distant KiwiSDRs SM0KOT (Sweden) and OZ1AEF (Denmark) [4][5].

https://disk.yandex.com/d/AcwncUTKxXlQ_A (decoded bitstreams)

(1) MIL 188-141B refers to BW0 as the waveform to convey "LE_Scanning_Call PDU" and "LE_Call PDU" (LE stands for Link Establishment): FLSU, and consequently the BW5 waveform, were not yet defined at that time.

(2) 188-141B (released on March 1999!) was superseded by 188-141C (December 2011), in its turn superseded by 188-141D (December 2017): the last 2 standards no longer have the Appendix C but only any short paragraphs, among them the #C.6 says "The specifications previously contained in this appendix have been replaced with mention to the fundamentally identical NATO STANAG 4538".

[1] http://i56578-swl.blogspot.com/search/label/P%3D32
[2] http://i56578-swl.blogspot.com/2022/10/harris-3g-ale-flsu-async-call.html
[3] http://i56578-swl.blogspot.com/2022/10/harris-3g-ale-flsu-async-call-2.html
[4] http://aspliden.kostet.se:8074/

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