QPSK 2400Bd waveform heard on 10221.0 KHz USB around 1400 UTC, most likely a Chinese modem.
Fig. 1 |
Autocorrelation of the signal produces sharp 16.6 ms spikes tnat makes 80 bit or 40 dibit symbols (QPSK modulation) period at the rate of 2400 symbols/sec. Indeed, after demodulation the resulting bitstream has a framing of 40 symbols dimension consisting of 20 known symbols (probe)
followed by 20 unknown symbols (data): obviously, since QPSK, 1 symbol = 2 bit.
Fig. 2 - autocorrelation and bitstream |
After the removal of the 20 known symbols, the first & ending data blocks show 64-symbols/128-bit patterns even if - actually - the ending blocks consist of a 32-symbols/64-bit pattern (as it was already visibile in Figure 2).
Fig. 3 |
Fig. 4 |
As usually, comments are welcome.